Chapter 54: SURPRISE!

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Sarah's prov.

After everyone left, head into my room to think about mine and Jack's little talk before he left.

As I open my door, I see someone sitting on my bed...their back is too me and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach.

God, no....please dont let this be someone sent by phil...
I pray

I quitely close my door before speaking.

"hello? Who are you? Who sent you here." I ask hostile

the head bows towards the ground making their red hair fall limp around them before she stands up with a sigh and turns around....

I gasp and stare at her  shocked beyond believe that shes here...

"MARATHA!?" I ask loudly

She laughed and smiled at me,

"You've grown up alot...." she says eyeing me up and down,

I don't hesitate as I unsteadily run to her and give her a big hug to which she returned,

Dont get me wrong, all of this hurt my body emensely, I could've fainted on the spot, but I was too excited to slow down.

"How did you get in here??" I ask her

She smiled,
"Derek wanted it to be a surprise so when mom brought you down and took you to the living room he snuck me up here"
She pulls away from the hug and fully takes in my appearance.

She gasps in horror,
"What... who did this this to you?" She asked

I grab her hand and sit her down on my mattress,
"Phil and his grandfather John after John had kidnapped me" I tell her

"He finally got you then......I'm so sorry dear" she says hugging me gently

"How did you escape?" She asked

I laugh bitterly and tell her everything I remembered from beginning to end.

She sits beside me, face in her hands crying as she leans her body into me lightly,
"You endured all that for me? For us?" She asked between her sobs

"It was the only way, and it was worth ever second" I tell her

"So are you and jack going to be a item now?" She asked trying to lighten the mood

I sighed,
"No.....he dosen't remember fighting for my love, or confessing that he loved me....and honestly, after everything I don't even know if he still does love me....he seemed super nervous and giddy when we were alone, and protective again when I told him the truth about Phil, but that could just be Jack being Jack" I explain

"So what are you going to do about it then?" She asked

"Wait and see how his hypnosis appointment goes I guess, go from there" I say with a shrug

"Enough about me, tell me about you!" I say smiling

"Well, I've been in hiding for the past 10 years so not alot, i was staying in a town called Heavenly Hirani. After the first 5 years of being there I was allowed to go into town with an escort, met a nice fella and we became friends or well, as friend as we could be with the circumstances...
I missed you all though, I'm sorry I didnt get to see you grow up and couldn't be here for you through everything.....honestly, I thought youd guys had've given up on me long ago..." she tells me

I take in what she said, dosent sound like she had much of a social life over the years. Derek was right though, she thought we had given up on her! That's terrible...

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