CHAPTER:10-Hospital Drive

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Once the guy was unconscious, they hurried to get out of the house as fast as they could, Will carried Jill whom had fainted and Jack carried Sarah while May grabbed my purse an John helped leading the way. As they all went through the halls, down the stairs to the main level, an to the door, people were clearing a path for us to leave while they all stand there and stared in shock at the site of all the blood dipping from Sarah's arm and the fainted Jill. Angelica quickly ran to the door "guys I am soooo sorry please for give me I never intended for any of this to happen" she pleaded, Sarah slowly opened her eyes an looked at Angelica through her blurry vision, "it's fine, just watch out for Phill and his friends" she said with a struggle, "I will, there's a cab waiting at the end of the drive way" she said.

Will nodded at her "thank you" he said, then they all stated on their way down the drive way Sarah still being carried but thank god Jill was still okay and walking with some help, when we reached the half way point down the drive way.                                                                              As they reached the cab they heard screaming and when they all looked back they seen people running around flooding out of the house, then heard a girl scream, a gun shot and seen her fall to the ground. they all hurried faster into the cab, closed the door and the driver drove away fast. within a few minuets of driving Jill spoke "thanks  Will" she said " any time". "Where to" the driver asked "aahh the hospital please" May said in a rush and he nodded " okay" a few minuets later Jill woke up with her head on Wills shoulder "mm.. what happened?" she asked "Sarah got hurt, you fainted, we left the party, and shots were fired" Will told her, she gasped an her eyes went wide, "what?  was everyone alright!?" she asked worried "we all are...sortof" Will told her "okay, good, where are we going?" "to the hospital" Jack told her "oh" was all i heard her say before i fell asleep.                                                                                                    A while passed and they where now about half way there when the driver started shaking his head "I told you guys to be careful, an this is what happens when you don't take helpful advise like that" he said disappointingly "we didn't think anything of it and we were, but then things just got out of hand" Jill replied, he sighed "next time, just take my advise or don't go at all. you guys where lucky you got out when you did" he told us, "yea, thanks for getting us" Jack said to him, "your welcome," he replied. Then everyone went silent for the rest of the drive. Once the group of friends arrived at the hospital an all got out of the cab, Will was about to say something when the driver said something to him first "no pay, just stay safe call me when you guys are done and ready to leave" then handed Will his card "okay will do, thanks for everything sir." Will replied, then the cab driver drove off and they all  started to walk towards the front doors.

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