Chapter: 35 - Filling Jack in

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Jack's prov.

Once I was released, my parents and I drove home and I could see the relief still in their eyes, but also the worried and curiousness swirling about in their minds.

"How are you feeling Jackson" my mom asks me,

"I'm feeling alot better now, my friends and I actually made plans to hangout this afternoon!" I say excitedly

"Okay don't think that a good idea honey" she said again,

"But why? I haven't been outside in so long and I miss having out with them" I ask and tell her

"Son, we just got you back....we don't want to almost lose you again" my dad spoke this time,

"But-" I start
"No buts. You still need to rest, you just got out of the hospital "
My mom interject

"Exactly....I just got out and need some fresh air and non related conpany" I say trying to convince them,

They both sigh, "fine. But no running game around or jumping or climbing or fights, got it. Just relax with them"
My mom lays out the rules to me.

I nod to them both with a smile on my face! " thank you guys so much! I love you" I say as I hug them both and run off.

When we got home, I go up to the bathroom and shower, brush my teeth and hair and shower and all else that I need to do.
I look in the group chat and see that everyone is on their way.
I run down stairs and just as I'm getting my shoes on and about to leave my mom comes over to me.
She hands me my jacket and say
"be careful, have fun, and we'll talk more once you come home" with that she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and hugged me goodbye.

As I walked to Carlos Hut, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me the whole way there and it was beginning to worry me and I honestly debated Wether or not to go back home.
I don't know what to tell my parents about the past while either....I don't really remember alot. Maybe I can ask someone tonight about some of it
I think I remember, getting to the path, meeting Phil, Sarah's arm, the ally way with the Taxi, the did that Taxi know where we were at all times??....other then those parts, and being in the hospital, my mind is blank.

I FINALY reached Carlos Hut and see almost everyone there....everyone except for Sarah.

"Hey guys!" I say as I approach them, they all turn my way and by the time I reach them they have engulfed me in a huge hug and I hug them all back.
"Oh my god Jack!? How are you doing?" May asked

"I'm surprised your parents allowed you to be out so soon..?" John said

"You look good considering you just got out after a month!" Jill exclaimed

I just laugh at them and respond with
"slooowwer hahah, I'm doing alot better, only thing that's ify is my memory of what's all happened before I was landed in the hospital.
It took quiet abit of convincing haha, and thank you Jill, feeling quiet a bit better"

They were quiet for a minute and I saw their eyes looking back and forth from eachother to me than back a few times. Feeling a bit worried now...
Why are they all so hesitant to speak??

"Awesome that your feelings better!" John said finally.....though I'm a bit curious as to why they are avoiding the question about what events accured.

By this time we have all sat down on some rocks beside the building.

"Yea" I smile
"hey, where's Sarah at?" I ask them "ne-" may started but Jhon cut her off by saying
"not really sure, probably with Phil" I seen his grip tighten on the rocks as he spoke, his grip was so hard his knuckles were turning white.
"Oh.....why is she with Phil? I thought she hated him..?" I ask them very curious...
They all sort-of glance at each other while staying silent. What the hell is going on!?
"Why are you guys being so weird about this??"
"What all do you remember from the past events?....before you were rushed to the hospital?" Will asked,
I gave them a weird look but answer him anyways...
"I remember getting to the path, meeting Phil at some party, Sarah hurt her arm, the ally way with the Taxi, I think I was taken by someone an being punched alot, than the hospital.....other then those parts, and being in the hospital, my mind is blank."
"Well, at least you remember most of what happened....minus the details of it" May said
"What details?" I ask, and they fill me in on everything that has happened....well almost, I thought it was all but it seemed as if they left out some facts...

"What aren't you guys telling me? how did that Taxi know where we were at all times? you still haven't said why all this started? How it really ended? Why you guys barely hear from Sarah anymore? Who beat me up enough that I was close to f***en death!?" I say

"Jack.....stay calm, please... (*sigh*)...I'll tell you." Jhon says not really wanting too,

"thank you" I say to him.

"Look....after we didn't come back when we said we would, and our parents thought haven't heard from any of us an found out that we lied to them, they sent the cops for us, we made it back before they found us though, then it all started at the party when you seen Phil talking to Sarah, some how I guess she must've told you as well as the girls that he used to abuse her when they dated before, so you and him got in a fight over her and when you won and we all ran off, he didn't let it go....he was the one who caused everything that happened , to happen. The one who sent you to the hospital, was Phil.....the only way he would stop everything and not kill us if he got what he wanted... Sarah. Oh and the Taxi driver knew Sarah and her family and knew that Phil's grandfather was the one who kidnapped Sarah's sister Martha when she was a baby...he just wasn't able to prove it. " John answers me,

minus the question about why they barely hear from Sarah anymore.
I probably looked quite shocked, but can you blame me...that's a lot to take in.
"Okay....." was all could get out. I than saw Jill's and May's eyes widen slightly and a slight smile on their face when they looked behind me.
I turn around myself to see wht they are looking at, and I see it, it's Sarah.


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