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Jill ran through the doors, through the rooms, an through the halls until she reached the main entrance. She ran in a panic, scattered brained, worried of what may happen to Sarah. She ran and ran until finally she saw Jack, May, John and Will, "JILL! WHAT HAPPENED?" May yelled "where's Sarah?" Jack asked "why do you have a bunch of bruises?" Will asked as well. Jill stood there bent over hands on her knees breathing hard, "Sarah, she saved me, i don't know, how she found me, but she did... And now..." Jill stopped mid-sentence "now what Jill?" John asked concerned, "the guy, who took me , was... Was Phill... And his plan was to get, one of us, to lure Sarah to him... He has her an is taking her somewhere, I don't know where" Jill told them, they all looked concerned as well. "well let's go find her, quick lets go!" Jack said.                                                                                                                    So off they went running towards the doors, once they reached the doors they flew them open and ran out. They stopped in their tracks as they seen Phil an Sarah walking towards a green Honda car they looked closer and seen that she was being forced to do what Phil said, they then seen her going in slowly trying to spare sometime, but Phil pushed her in an slammed the door, he then walked to the other side of the car. Just as Phil was about to open the door Jack stepped out "STOP!" He yelled, Phil looked over and seen him and Sarah looked over through the car window (oh great not again) she thought to myself then it hit her, this was my chance to try an escape.                                                           Phil started to walk over to jack, an that's when Sarah really started to try and untie the sloppy knots in the ropes. She was almost done, so close, but then she heard a noise, she  whipped her head up to the side to look out the window and seen jack and Phil once again in a face off. she turned back and finished untying the sloppy knots, she then took the rope off from around her fee and got outof the car.                                                                                                            Sarah jumped out of the car and turned to all of her friends an Phil, "Phil stop!" she yelled, he looked over at her "how the hell did you get lose" he said angry "you always sucked at tying knots" she said "get back in the car Sarah" he demanded "NO! you said that if I go with you, that no matter what NOTHING will happen to my friends" she yelled now frustrated, her friends all stared, they almost seemed stunned that she would do something like that. Right after she said it, Phil turned to look at her, "That was before, when they were supposed to stay out of our way" he snarled, "you hurt them Phil, and I will not be going anywhere with you anytime soon" Sarah told him trying to seem tough, he just glared at her and started walking towards her, his hands in fists by his sides, his knuckles turning a white colour, red in the face an a look of determination, "no Sarah, you gonna come with me anyway". (dammit, now I was in trouble) she thought.

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