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The next morning around 9-something they all woke up and peeked outside to see what it was like out. It was a nice warm morning with a light breeze amd not to bright. "You guys ready to go" Sarah asked "ya sure" they all replied half asleep "Ok then, let's go guys, common up an at em" Sarah said while clapping her hands together loudly, they all groaned an slowly got up "is there any food" John asked "this is a hideout not a buffet" May replied "actually I do have some granola bars in here, there over there in that bin, only one each though and put the rest in that backpack, see if there's other useful stuff in here to that we can use on our way" Sarah instructed, so they all went looking around. After they ate and packed up everything, Will put the bag on his back and they made sure they had everything and left the shack. They all walked out and into the sun it felt blinding after being in a dark place for so long, it took awhile for their eyes to adjust but after a minuet or so it was all good and they started on their way. All of them continued to walk through an down all of the roads trying to get out of the subdivision and back on track.
Once we reached the main roads we seen people walk past us and stare "what's up with them?" Jill asked "ummm well.... we Probably Look bad bc we slept on the ground all night in a abandoned shake," Will replied "oh yaaa, that would make sense, let's go get cleaned up in there" she suggested "okk sure why not probably for the best" Sarah said so off the group went crossing the road to go into the gas station. once they got in they wanted to be quick so all the girls went in at once then all the guys went in at once, the other people probably thought they were crazy but the group didn't really care at this point. "May..." "Ya Sarah?" "what do you think are parents will do? Like we've been gone for more then what we said we where going to be?" "I don't really know Sarah, but I'm sure their all looking for us right now and im sure we will get punished for quiet awhile but... I know they must be worried sick about us" "ya I suppose, I just can't wait to get home". The guys came out and an they where all ready to go, the group of friends left the gas station feeling abit better and were off again. They walked down the street to down town an whet to look for a bus stop to take thrm home when all of the sudden a taxi cab pulls up next to them "get in there's people following you" the man said, his voice sounded strangely familiar obviously they where hesitant but when jack looked back he seen the men too, "he's right, trust him he's been right all along" Jack said as he pushed his friends slightly into the cab. John closed the door behind them and the taxi driver took off with a speed of 50 over the speed limit "thank you Sr." May said "haha no need to call me Sr. or Mr. call me... Phil" he turned his head around and grinned a nasty one the group of friends all gasped in fear Jhon and Jill both tried to open the doors but they where locked and so where the windows, none of them were panicking until he said "and I had enough of you guys, I'm taking you somewhere that no one will ever find you" and his grin became even bigger as he took a sharp turn down a deserted road when he heard cop car sirens coming up, the cops must've heard the tires squeal because not to long afterwards there where cop car right behind them all. "Damn!" Phil muttered angrily "ha good luck getting away from 3 cops on a dead end deserted road" May said snarky "May don't, we don't know how his state is at the moment remember" Sarah reminded her "right sorry, how are we gonna get out of here?" She replied, sarah looked back and seen the cop cars then looked at her "ok you tell Jhon an I'll tell jack an this is what we are gonna do, we will write on a piece of paper ( Help! held hostage, badly injured, can't do anything, help. Us please!)." So they did and they put it up against the back window and Jhon could tell that they seen it because he saw one of their faces go shocked then emotionless and spead up. He rear-ended the back of the taxi car to stop it but it just left a dent and he went faster. So fast that he lost the cops around the bend but then he seen a big brick building and BAM! He crashed right into it.

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