CHAPTER:29- Does Anyone Know!?

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John's Prov.

I call up May and Jill to see if they heard anything from the Hospital or Sarah  and how they are doing.
They told me that they were with Sarah Yesterday Day at the mall and she seemed a bit off but they couldn't figure it out, and that they seen jack a few times but he was either asleep or with the Dr. Except once or twice but he was groggy, that's all about Jack that I know.

So with my new found information, I decided to call Sarah and see if she knew any thing About Jack and how She was doing.

Sarah: hey Jhon whats up!?

Jhon: hey Sarah, how are you doing?

She paused for a monet, almost as if trying to choose her words wisely...

Sarah: pretty good, trying to keep busy but also rest some, how are you doing

Jhon:  that's good, what have you been up to? Have you heard anything about Jack?

Sarah: watching TV, going for Walks, I'm still grounded so it's very limited, what about you??

Jhon: yea, i get that, I haven't been out doing that much either, I mean, like, I'm grounded but my parents don't really enforce it....

Sarah: lucky, my parents make sure to enforce it...Oh! And no, I haven't heard anything about Jack...May or Jill might have though...

Jhon: tried them....they haven't either....I mean like My God! Dose Anyone Know Anything around here!?!?

Sarah: you okay Jhon?? What do you mean by that??

Jhon: am I okay?? No one's heard anything about Jack, your Dating a creep you can't be trusted, and I barley hear from anyone anymore! Does it seem like I'm okay!?

She didn't say anything for a while, till about 2 minuets passes before she finally spoke

Sarah: I can understand why you'd feel that way then, yea.....but umm..I...I gotta go.... I'll talk to ya later.

And she hung up, and I sighed.

I walked down stairs and peeked into the living Room....
"Hey mom, dad, can I go visit Jack??" I ask, they smiled at me and said
"sure honey let us know how he's doing" I smiled
"will do! Thank you!" And run out the door.
I get on my Bike and bike all the way to the Hospital to see jack.

I walk In to the Emergency room where they are keeping Jack.
"hi, I'm here to see my fri-Cousin Jack" I said to the receptionist almost forgetting what we told her the day we were first in here.
She looked at me and said
"sure honey, go right down, do you remember his room??"
"Yea I think so, thank you....Sherry" I said reading her name tag,
"your welcome young man" she smiled and then I took off down the Halls.
I finally stopped infront of his door breathing deeply....wondering,
 how he's doing? How much does he remember? Does he remember anything from those few days?? Is he almost healed yet and ready to come home? It has been a few weeks now...

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