CHAPTER:5 The Choice, The Fight

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Sarah explaning

Everyone stood in the room watching us all.
I didn't know who to chose, there's Jack one of my best an closest friends who I do love dearly but not in a dating way, he has no record with the law, would never leave me, who treats me how I deserve, but I don't know if us dating would make things awkward, or would even work out. Then there's Phill, a guy I knew from when I was just a 12 to when I was 16,  who I dated, sure he got in a lot of trouble back then but he could be better now, he didn't treat me how I deserved or how anyone would deserve, he wasn't there when I needed him and when he was there, it was almost always just because he wanted something from me and sense I would never give it to him he would get frustrated and beat me an call me names.

I looked at them both and I could feel my eyes watering, I was just about to say who I chose when Phill started to yell at me just like old times

"WOULD YOU HURRY UP ALREADY, I'M GETTING TIRED OF THIS! it's Clear that your gonna chose me! We have a history together, a bond, that's why we were brought together here again" as he spoke, he stepped closer put his arm around me and announced to everyone

"that is that, it's now once again together Sarah & Phill".
I was still looking forward at Jack, and his protectiveness turned to sadness, he put his head down and turned away

"congrats hope your happy" and started to walk away , I looked at Phill then Jack then Phil,

"Jack wait!" I called out, Jack stopped an turned his head

"Phill, I didn't make my choice yet, so don't kid yourself" i said with sass as i push myself away from him, Jack looked at me with a sense of hope.
Just as I finished though, Phill looked at me with anger, then grabbed my arms tightly an stared at me,

"you despicable little b1+ch, you can't speak to me like that" he said through gritted teeth as he let go with one hand and slapped me hard across the face.

"HEY DON'T YOU DARE HIT HER!" Jack yelled as he charged for Phill.

Jack ran at Phil, an then he tackled Phil into the wall an I fell when Phill pushed me out of the way.
Phill hit the wall with a bang and slid to the ground, Jack was on top of him-punching, swatting, elbowing, and kneeing. Phill was helpless trying to block the hits becuse they were coming so fast, they were to much to block.
I slowly lifted my head to see what was going on, all I could see was Jack on top of someone, a guy being punched (Phill).
I got up as fat as I could and tried to pull Jack off of him,

"Jack common please stop this, let it go" I pleaded, but Jack kept going at him, finally he stopped for a second-then Jack put one hand on his throat and one covering his mouth and nose.

"Jack no don't, guys common help!" I yelled worried.
They all came running over and was trying to pull at him. Finally we hulled Jack off of him.
The heat coming from him was strong and Phill was still on the ground trying to catch his breath.
With everyone staring wide-eyed an stunned at the scene that just took place, with Phill still on the ground, we quickly made our way out of the room and outside away from the scene.
Thank God that's over with, that was too close of a call. I'm still a bit shocked about how far Jack took that though.

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