CHAPTER:9- Needing Help

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Sarah explaining

 I looked back at the shadow, "I know your there, come out!" I demanded, an a few seconds later the shadow moved and came out of the darkness, I was right it was indeed Phill's friend an he indeed did have my purse but what shocked me most about his friend...was that it was Issac he used to come around when me an Phill dated. Issac had tattoos everywhere piercings on both eyebrows, a bull ring, lip, cheek bone, and 4 different peircings in his ears. he had a buzz cut, and was very built. " Give it here" I said standing my ground, he simply looked me over head to toe then smiles "why go through all this difficulty for one little bag, what's in it that's so important?" He asked slowly opening it, "don't!" I stammered he looked up and an his eyes met my glare "give it here-please" I said through gritted teeth "no" he said abruptly I just stood an glared at him. Then I went for it, I started a small sprint and lunged at him-I tackled him to the ground hitting him, kneeing him, an I was about to elbow him in the ribs-but he blocked it, he grabbed my arm tightly-so tight that it was starting to hurt an it got worse as he squeezed it. Then suddenly he rolled over an now he had the upper hand he started going at me, full on hitting me so hard an then he threw me into the bed. I hit it so hard that I could have sworn I felt and heard a crack in my arm, an i felt like screaming and crying. He then pined me to the floor with his knees, then to my surprise--------he pulled out a knife. I should have seen something like this coming, just by his looks....  He raised his hand an just as he was about to bring it down on my chest the door flew open and my friends ran in and Will swacked his arm that was holding the knife and the knife went flying across the room an got stuck in the wall. Jill then ran up and kicked him hard in the ribs and he fell to his side. May came over to me and pulled me up by my arm an as she did I made a noise of pain, she looked down at my arm where i was holding it an she moved my hand out of the way, when she looked at it she could see a bump in my arm and was 50% sure it was my forearm bone, it could been a bad blot clot. I looked over to the Side and seen the guy kick Will hard in the pelvic and he clasped to the ground then he pushed Jill and she fell into me and I fell to the ground on to my arm and then I felt a extreme exotic unbearable pain an screamed out, the bone had gone through my skin and was bleeding onto the floor "SARAH!!!" May an Jill screamed out at the same time. Jill fainted at the sight of the non-stop bleeding. May hurried down to my side ripped a part of my top off and wrapped it around my arm to stop the bleeding. Will and May got back up to their feet and approached the guy slowly, then at the same time they both punched him once in the face and once in the gut. All of the sudden jack came bursting in the room an ran towards the Issac-picked him up and throw him across the room, making him now unconscious.

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