CHAPTER:19-Lost On the Woods

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Sarah's prov.
After Phil crashed the car the airbag poofed out and his seat belt got stuck so he was trapped, we seen this as our get away point "common guys let's go!" I yelled so one by one we all painfully exited the car severely injured "JACK COMMON! We don't have much time!" I yelled "just go I'll catch up in a few minuets head to a clearing in the woods" he said "why not towards the cops?" May asked "Because, just trust me on this please guys, go, now, hurry!" he said an yelled we just nodded and ran into a small little alleyway between two buildings and into the woods we ran an ran as fast as we could twisting and turning, our cuts getting worse from the bushes an twigs. Finally we came to a clearing it was a shaded spot but it was mid-day by now "guys where are we?" May asked "I don't know but somewhere lost within trees" Jhon replied "no dah Sherlock" May said sarcastically "HEY, you asked a question I answered my best so don't start giving me attitude" Jhon said starting to get agervated " guys, please don-" I got cut off by May saying "I was just joking, my god can't you take one" as she rolled her eyes she crossed her arms and scoffed" " oh my god! this is a pointless, and a joke, you wouldn't know a joke if it slapped you in the face, not to mention the perfect life you have at home where your whole family thinks their better then everyone else and treats you like a spoiled princess!" He told her now frustrated, I seen a tear run down hers cheek as he said that "you don't know crap about me or my life if you think it's perfect!"she yelled then ran away crying "MAY!, COME BACK!" I shouted but she kept running "you shouldnt say stuff like that especially to her Jhon" I told him " I'm so sorry I-I-I didn't mean to upset her like that" he said " I understand but I'm not the one you need to apologize to" I said gesturing towards the way she ran, he nodded then ran after her and we followed close behind him. As we ran he asked me "what happened to her when she was younger that made her life so bad?" "Ummm well... I don't know if Im the one to tell you that. you would have to asks her" I said starting to run out of breath from running so fast "look there she is!" Jill shouted Jhon then speed up an ran even faster he was so close to her but he started slowing down then he jumped and tackled her to the ground they landed with a thud and a crack "urhgfp" they both said as they landed "get off me!" She yelled an struggled but Jhon had her in a bear hug from behinds of her so she couldn't escape. Me and Jill finally caught up to them "May I'm really sorry I didn't mean to upset you like that" he told her sincerely " what did you think, that I'd be fine with you saying that," she said to him "May what happened" he asked "when I was younger there was this guy, an acquaintance of my brothers they used to be good friends then they split up come high school and by that time I was in grade 7 an he was in grade 12, he would always skip classes and go about and he..." A tear ran down her face "he what may?" Jhon asked " he would see me playing in the park or after school on the play equipments, he'd come up to me and I always new he was sketchy, but not this bad, he would beat me and... Sometimes-" she trailed off an started crying again, I put my hand on he shoulder an rubbed her back " it's okay May" I said an she nods he head sniffles and wiped her tears away, " I'm sorry it's just I never told any one about this" she said we were all quiet for a few minuets to take it all in. "Has anyone heard anything from Jack yet?" May askes changing the subject "no nothing yet,"Jill says looking at me, of course they could tell I was sad, I mean hello were dating-I think, it was confusing... but I tried my best not to show I was upset I held back the tears an put on a forced smile "Sarah it's okay to cry an be upset sometimes" Jhon said placing a hand on my shoulder, my lip quivered an a tear ran down my cheek, "I'm okay, he'll come." I said trying to be brave for us. "Let's try to find out way back" Jill said "how were lost?" Jhon said/asked "simple just follow the trail of red from our cuts" May said I laughed a tad at that before I said "sounds like a plan, let's go" so off we went on our way following the trail of red,an disturbed dirt... it led us to another clearing with this old run down house. where are we I thought we then heard a snap to our left an we quickly looked over and there about 15 feet away stood a huge grey wolf with emerald green eyes, the wolf stood there staring at us, we didn't know what to do, the huge wolf leaned backwards in a ready to pounce position and snarled, it barked then took two running steps and pounced it's eyes locked on Jhon, he almost reached home before I pushed him out of the way to the ground, the wolfs teeth had scratched my arm enough to draw blood, I grabbed my arm in pain for a minuet but when I looked up an saw the wolf had hit a tree an fall to the ground, it was starting to get up when I yelled "QUICK GUYS RUN!" We all got up and ran back were we came from, we stopped in the clearing to take a breather, "did-we-lose-em" May asked out of breath "I don't know-but- I don't wa-wanna take-a chance-to stay-an find out" I said starting to catch mine "ok so were to" Jhon asked "this way" we continued on straight an seen the edge of the woods, "THERE GUYS!" I yelled, we were almost there when we got stopped by a wolf again but this one was a bit smaller blue eyes and white fur, it growled at us then slowly started walking toward us it was about to attack but we heard another snarl an bark we turn to the right and seen the other wolf from before, but it was barking at the other wolf, territorial of prey found, they were about to get into a full on battle an we saw that as another chance to escape, so we ran and the grey wolf tacked the white one to the ground, they were biting and clawing one another, we were all running but, I turned around an went back to help the white wolf from getting TO injured, "SARAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" they yelled as they ran back to stop me but I couldnt just leave them there to kill one another, so me an all my brilliance jumped in and used my forearm an head to knock the grey wolf off the white one, I quickly got up and stood there between the lying white wolf and the grey one ready for attack again, but I didn't budge my friends were all in shock at my actions, they heard the white wolf whimper "guys please see what the damage is to her quickly as possible" I said/asked "please!" They said "ok" and bent down to see, the grey wolf an I having a stare down, no one giving in, it scoffed it's paws in the dirt like a bull the barked my friends flinched at it but I stood my ground "she has a broken rib and some deep scratches on it's neck, I slowly took of my sweater off ,"here wrap this around it to help the bleeding" I say as I throw them my sweater, they tied it around it's neck gently but surecurly. They stood up an I was still in a stare down me an the wolf both took a one foot step closer to one another and growled, the wolf must've sensed something because he ran the other direction, I turned around and seen the white wolf standing there a bent arm reach away my friends gasped in shock at what they seen. The wolf stretched it's head toward me abit an I reached my hand out an it placed it's forehead in the Palm of my hand, it looked up at me an our eyes met, we looked at each other for a minuet or so before she moved her head back I slowly put my hand down the wolf looked at my friends then back at me an ran into the brush. Thats now when we then decided to run out of the woods faster then we ever ran before.

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