Chapter 48: Its all Over

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Derek's prov

I sit in the waiting room when a nurse comes out,
"Patricia Young's family?" She calls out
"Yes, I'm the one that brought her in" I say

"Okay, well, she'll need some time before shell be able to eat a full meal of hard foods, but shouldn't take too long, other than that she hasnt suffered any immediate injuries, a few stitches but nothing major, wed like to keep her here over night for observation though" she informs me.

I nod, "okay, thank you Ms. Would it be okay if I were to go in and ask her a few questions?" I request,

" of course just nothing too stressful she needs rest." She smiles a walks off.

I go into the room and see her laying on the bed looking abit better now that shes cleaned up.

"Hello Patricia, I'm Derek, I'm with the RSP, can you answer a few questions for me please?" I ask

She nods and takes a drink from her water.

After around 10 minutes of questioning I leave her to rest.

She definitely shared alot, it will definitely help make the charges to John stick, now we just need to hear from Sarah.

As I'm at the desk waiting to ask about Sarah I hear panicked parents comes in.

"Hello, we're ahhh...we're here for Sarah, we are her parents" they say to the nurse,

"Of course ma'm shes just in room 134 end of the hall on the right" the nurse says the parents nod and thank the nurse before rushing down the hall.

I go down after them and stop them before they enter.

"Wait!" I call, they stop and turn towards me,

"Sorry sir, but we really can't talk right now" the man said

"Wendy, we spoke on the phone..." I say and they stop.

"Derek? With the Reigonal State Police?" She asks

"Yes, I am the one who found your daughter, and brought her in, I was just coming to check on her and see if shes awake myself... do you mind if i join? I can fill you in on eveything" i say

They nod,

"Of course, thank you so much....please come in with" Wendy says

"Thank you, I warn you though.....shes alittle beat up when I last saw her, it may shock you some..." I say

The just nod and enter.

As we enter I hear them gasp,

"Oh, Sarah..." Wendy starts tearing up

I take a look myself and realize just how much makeup she must've used the last time we met...all those bruises all over her body...almost none of her natural skin color was showing.

"Was this all from today?" Roger asks

"Most of it I believe but some are definitely at least a few days old..." I trial off

"What's happened to our daughter officer?" Wendy asked

"Well, aside from her Boyfriend abusing her everytime they met up, today when she went to his place, his grandfather had sent the text to lure her over and he had beat her when she stood her ground....she was in a cellar room with the babysitter from the night Martha was kidnapped...She's in another room being treated. I've questioned her already but I still have to hear Sarah's side" I explain to them

They looked utterly shocked.

"She was being abused?" Wendy asked breathless

"Unfortunately, yes....but she wouldn't break up with him, even though I advised her to many times after i found out about it.." I say sadly

"How do you know it was the babysitter from that night?" Roger asked

"Well she hasn't been seen in all the years...and if John was the one who took them that night it would only make sense.....she also confirmed that it was her when I questioned her earlier" I inform him

"Wait...dose that mean- was Martha there too??" He asks hopeful

I look down, "I'm sorry, she wasnt there no.....but there is still hope she managed to escape, especially now. I haven't ever given up on this case, and I don't plan to till shes home and it's all over with" I say

"What did you say your last name was again?" Wendy asks curious

"Harlow, Derek Harlow. May I ask why?" I inquiry

Her face is a mix between shock and sadness as well as Roger's

"My didn't we recognize you?" She asks more to herself

"Its okay Wendy, I've changed abit in looks over the years....not many people recognize me from then anymore" I say with a small smile

"Its good to see you again... I'm so sorry for shutting you out all those years ago...." Wendy apologizes

"My dear, its truely alright, I understood your reasonings" I offer them a smile

They return it.

We turn to look at Sarah as we hear her grumbling something.

I listen closer and can just make out a name,


Her parents sigh in relief that shes waking up.


I reach my hand out to hers and jumps awake, frantic and frazzled and very confused as to where she is.

She looks around the room, to her parents, than to me.

Her eyes widen, she looks down at her hand that's in mine and gasps at the brusises.

"No.....its we'll never get her back" she says and bursts into tears and covers her face carefuly

Her parents look utterly confused, while I give her a sympathetic look.

" Sarah, everythings okay...we have them in holding, both of them thanks to your call" I say

She sniffs and looks to me baffled.

"How?" She asks

"After you threw your phone to Patricia, she told me what was happening and where to find you guys, and kept the call going so we could track it. We got there just as Phil came up the stairs from leaving you with John" I tell her

She smiles slightly,
"Oh I'll have to thank her, and thank you so much for coming when you did...." she says

"Dont worry about it, but, do you mind if I ask you afew questions?" I ask

She nods,

"Okay, what is the last you remember?" I ask

She makes a thinking face, "I remember phil beating me for not telling the full truth the first time, then he left me for his grandfather to deal with....I heard a noise and then a huge pain to my head before everything went black...." she explains.

"I see, and do you know why John Miguel wanted to kidnap you?" I ask

"He got a text and said something about putting out ransom for me and the first person to pay gets me, said I matched all the right qualifications to be sold and he would use the money to go into retirement finally.....but that wasnt always his plan, he kidnapped Martha as leverage to get me....not sure why to that one" she explained

Her parents gasped and grabbed each others hands.

"Dont worry, it's all over now.... though make sure the others stay at the safe house till we can secure those two bastards in jail for good" I say

She nods.

"I'll leave you guys to it then". I get up to leave but Sarah says something that stops me.

"What about Martha? ...... can, can she come home now too?" She aks

Her parents gasp and look back and forth between us.

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