Chapter 55: Answers

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Jack's prov.

I'm currently in the waiting room of this hypnosis place, just thinking everything over...

I left Sarah's feeling drained almost....
How could she have gone through all that alone?
I mean.... I guess she had Jhon and Derek but if i wasnt in that damn hospital bed i would've been there with Jhon when he found out.
I've always been closet with her out oh everyone, I should've known something big was off with her.... she was never one to out anything before her friends and family.... guess she really proved just how far shell go to protect the people closets to her.

"Jack Kennedy?" I man calls form the door way

"Yes?" I reply

"Ah, good...we are ready for you now, if you'd just follow me" he says

I get up and start to follow him back through some hallways.
"I am Dr. Pings, I will be performing your hypnosis today" he introduces himself

"Nice to mee to you Dr. Pings" I say

Not a moment to soon we reach the door to his office.

We walk in and he instructs me to take a seat on the chair across from him.

"So Jack, what is it exactly your hoping to uncover today?" He asked

"I need answers mainly.....there was a few event that happened that I have no recollection of and that dont entirely sound like something I'd one involved is really giving me a straight answer either." I explain

He nods and makes some notes.

"Very well, let's get started than shall we? First, tell me the date around these incidents took place" he speaks as he gets up from his chair.

I tell him the general date as he starts to dim the lights and quiets the room completely  before sitting back down.

He takes one of the ball on his metal marble click-clack thing and pulls islt back before letting it drop, creating a therapeutic hypnotic sound.

"I need you to close your eyes and relax your entire body for me Jack" he requests

I do as he says and steady my breathing.

"Now, I want you to think back to the night of April 3rd 2016.....are you there?" He asks

"Yes..." I say dazed

"Tell me what you see" he asked again

"I'm walking through a house, it's very friends are with me, we are all nervous...Sarah, she was confident, but a group a people barged through our huddle and we lost track of her... I cant see her anywhere....shes gone! It was so fast...." I start to panic

"Its okay jack, slow your breathing, tell me how you found her" Dr. Pings asks

I calm down my breathing and continue,
" we split up Jill and Will check the kitchen and May and Jhon and I went to check the hall and rooms. As o head to the kitchen I see her in the living room...shes, talking with someone....i dont reconize him...wait...I think its Phil..."

I play the night out with only having to take a few breaks from my breathing becoming unsteady and not before long the session comes to a close.

"Okay Jack, now when I Open, you will open your eyes and reameber everything we just talked about okay?" Dr. Pings says

"Okay..." i respond

"Open" he says gently.

I open my eyes and see I'm back in his office, he smiles and gets up to turn the lights back on their normal setting.

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