Chapter 33- tell me the truth

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John's Prov.

I run a way from Phil's house and all the way to where I'm supposed to meet Sarah.
I reach Carlos hustle and see it's 6:10
Wow....I ran a long way!, guess all that's left now is to wait and think of how to bring up the topic and I'm going to ask her.

Sarah's prov.

I leave Phil's house limping from when I spun an twisted my ankle and holding my arm from where Phil had gripped my it when he held me up and also dragged me to the doors.
By the time I got home mom told me that John had stopped by looking for me, I wonder what he wanted that was so urgent that he had to come to my house and tell me?
"Okay, I'll text him, i just gotta go up to my room right quick" I told her, and ran up the stairs.
I texted Jhon and he said to meet at Carlos Hut at 7.
I stay in my original blue skinny jeans and white V-neck T-shirt but put my black leather jacket on my bed for when I leave.
Spent the rest of the Day watching Pirates of the Caribbean; curse of the black pearl With my patents.
Then we ate supper which was some smoked salmon with peas and rice. After supper was done I tell my parents "I'll be back soon, I'm going out to see John for a bit, be back later love ya's" and run up stairs to get my jacket.
I got in the bathroom before I leave, and check how my face is, and I see a hand print starting to form on my right cheek, and the one on my left cheek bone starting to fade.
I quickly put on some more cover up, go out and grab my jacket, then leave out the door and make my way to the Store.

I arrive at Carlos Hut and see John sitting by the sign out front deep in thought.
I tie up my Bike to a tree and walk on over to him and take a seat on a rock across from him.
"Hey" I say making him jump up and look at me,
"hey Sarah" he says with a forced smile
"is everything okay John?" I ask him, he looks I at me into my eyes
"i'm not sure...." he says
"what? Why? What's happened?" I asked getting worried abit.
He looks down to his lap and says "you tell me"
"What?" I ask now more confused "you tell me what happened today sarah" he says slowly bringing his head up to look at me and study my face.

What the hell is he going about!??

"What are you talking about?" I ask and he sighs
"I mean like, I went over to Phil's house, then went home watched a movie, had supper and now came here..." I said still confused as ever.
"What happend at Phil's?" He said in a 'common tell me' voice
"no-nothing happened...just talked and hung around" I say
"really?" He says not fully beliving me "yea, really....why?" I ask
"Sarah....tell me the truth" he says "that is the truth John" I say.
"Lie." He said
"wha- that's not a lie" I say somewhat offended that he'd think I'd lie to him, "here's a different way to go about this...I should've known it wasn't going to be that easy... so, I'll be more blunt. What did Phil do to you today" he says with a sigh.

What dose he mean? Where is all this coming from? He's being really weird...wonder what's gotten in to him today...

"Nothing....just the typical boyfriend girlfriend stuff I guess....why? What's this about?" I say and ask
"Why were you limping and holding your arm." he asks

Oh sh** was I limping when I got off my bike? I don't remember holding my arm though...

"I tripped in my driveway on my way to grab my bike" I excuse

"Bull" he says
"what the hell John! What are you trying to get at!?" I shout abit getting fed up,
he looks taken a back but covers it quickly "okay me your upper arm" he says

The hell???...

"Okay..." I say and pull up the sleeve of my right arm and show him, he looks confused. He reached out and stroked his fingers down it as if he was wiping something off, nothing came.
He sighed "may I see the other one?" he asks, I pull my sleeve back down.
"why? What is this all about?" I ask, "just show me it Sarah!" He said losing his temper a bit while he slammed his fist on the wood next to him.
I flinch back an scrunch up my face waiting for the impact...but nothing came, I opened my eyes to see Jhon stating at me with concern and curiosity in his eyes.

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