Chapter 50: Updating

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Jack's prov.

Within the same day we make it to the safe house the whole time I'm panicking inside.

Why couldn't Sarah come with us?
Is because of Phil? Was she spending time with him instead? Why would she set up a safe house for us? Is she okay?

Later that night everyone had gone to sleep except me and Jhon. We were sitting in the tunnel part of the bunker on some hanging egg chairs with abit if moonlight shining through some cracks.

We were just shooting off about random things trying to keep calm when he gets a phone call.

"Its Sarah..." he says

"Take it man, It could be important" I say

He clicks answer and I try to listen in but her voice sounded hoarse and crackly, its hard to make out so I have to go by what Jhon's saying and so far it dosen't sound good, he sounds really worried.

When he got off the phone he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Jhon? What did she say?" I ask getting worried myself

"Jack....when we found you the day before all this started, you were beat to an inch of your life, only reason your not dead is because Sarah agreed to be with Phil in exchange for ours and our families the process she realized his uncle was the one who kidnapped her older sister Martha...." I stop him

"$h!t.....I've been mad at her all this time for betraying us when really shes been saving us? " I say

"Its easy to forget when you go weeks without hearing from her at all....and if in your case, where you were unconscious when she was given the ultimatum." He says

"I couldn't I had seen it the night we all met up though? Looking back now she did seem on edge and jumpy..." I say more to myself

"Phil was having her watched and followed....and with daily beatings it builds up a reflex on a person" he explains....

"You were the only one that knew...that saw through it..." I say upset with myself

"Because I eavesdropped and than forced her to show me her arm which had a handprint bruise on it." He explains

"What did she say on the phone?" I ask

"Right....ummm, well Phil was out but Sarah got an urgent text from his phone for her to go over, so she went but turned out his grandfather sent the message and kidnapped her...after she called me she called Derek and he tracked the call but....he made it in the nic-of-time...Phil had found out what his uncle did but when he questioned Sarah about it she didn't give the full truth the first time, he hit her a couple time before he left her for his uncle to finish....he was caught soon after and then Derek caught his grandfather beating Sarah..." he trialed off

"Is she okay? Where is she now?" I ask in a hurry

"She'll be fine...but, she's in hospital, Jack...she's coated in brusises from it, they have her booked for an xray tomorrow as she may have some cracked ribs from their kicks, she had blacked out from the beatings by the time Derek found her" he tells me

I put my head down and breathe out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"We should've stayed back to help her....if we did, she may not have gotten so hurt" I say

"Jack, if we stayed, Phil would've had us all killed and you know it...hell, she was with the guy and she knew it. She knew it was her or us and being who she is, she'd never let us near the house, that's why she didn't elaborate when she told me she was 'stuck at the moment' she knew we'd try to help..." he says

"We have to go see her" I say

"Its not safe yet....Phil and his grandfather are in holding, but till they are put away for good, we can't go anywhere" he says sadly

"Dammit! " i shout and hit the wall behind me while standing up

"Jack! You'll wake everyone up. Now common let's get some shut eye, I'll keep my phone on me and on full blast just incase she calls" he says

I just nodded, "okay"

We head back to the main from where everyone is sprawled about sleeping and snuggle in ourselves before falling sleep.

"God, I hope she'll be okay" I whisper.

The next morning we all wake up and are sitting around the table when John speaks up.

"I got a call last night" he says

"Who from?" Jill asks

"Sarah..." he dates simply

Everyone stops mid-action on what they're doing.

"The hell man! You waited this long to tell us!?" Will says

"You where all dead asleep, there was no point in waking you up" he says

"So it wasn't good news then?" May asks

He sighed and I pushed my cutlery onto my plate not hungry anymore.

"We are to stay here till further notice from her....but she's safe and alright now, Phil and his grandfather are in custody and Derek had rescued her just in time" he says

"Rescued her, just in time? What does that mean? What did happen to her?" May asked

"They both had a go at her this time...only Phil left her for his uncle to finish, so much for loving her" he says

"What!" We all shout

I rush over to John and look him in the eyes

"He told her he loves her!? He must be sick if he thinks abuse is how you show love! How do you know this? Did she- did she say it back?" I asked

"He did....and it is all kinds of sick...but I'm not sure if she did or not, I highly doubt she would all things considered " he tried to reason

I just nod my head and walked off to go back to washing the dishes.

She can't love him.....he's a terrible person...he abuses her, he threatened to kill us all...she doesn't belong with him! She belongs with me! I love her. She should be with me, not him!

"I figured you guys should know....but we could be here for a while with next to no contact" Jhon says,

"Okay, very well" they all say sadly

They then go back to eating before washing up and getting out a boardgame to play to pas the time.

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