CHAPTER:24- He's Awake

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Jack's prov.

I slowly and tiredly flutter my eyes opwn...sounds like a gurl word, I know... i look around the room and none of my surrounded dings look familiar one bit. How did I get here? Where IS here? What happened?Why am I here?I don't remember much at all, which is kinda freaky.
I look down at my self an realise I'm in one of those hospital gowns and am in a one of the beds with wires all hooked up to me, I'm covered with cuts and huge bruises....Oh God, oh no, what happened, I start hyperventilating and somethings messing up because it's not working right, Which just makes it worse, and now my conclusion is that, holy crap I'm being suffercated! An so I start to flail around.
Next thing going I know a bunch of nurses come rushing in the room doing some click you thing on the monitor, ones calming me down, "calm down jack, there's nothing to be scared of" she smiled down at me, I start to take deep breaths an that's when I realised that I had one of those breath mask cups to help people with breathing.....well, no I feel stupid. After about 10 mineutes of lying there while they do their thing, the nurse who help calm me down a bit, came over to me and said "your all okay" she gave me a smile "thank you, sorry for the scare" I tell her "it's completely understandable, would you like me to call your friends in?" She asked "my friends? Their here?" I asked "yes they are, they've came to visit you while your were alseep, after their check ups of course" she told me...wait a minute, check ups? "Why did they need check ups? What happened to them?" I asked worried, she hesitated abit before asking "what's the last thing you remember?" "Ummm I think when I was getting ready for some party" she nodded, "asked nothing else between then and now?" She asked again clearly curious, but I just shook my head confused a d she did a half smile half frown, "should I? What all happened ? How far back am I forgetting?" I ask, "your forgetting the past 4-5 days, but due to everything that happened, it's completely understandable as to why" she says "and what happened?" I asked although I'm not to sure I want to know..."I wasn't there, so I can't say, I have to go, get some rest, I'll page your friends" she told me and with that, she left.
Dear lord, please let everything be okay.

Sarah's prov.

We stand there silently, thinking, taking in what was just said to us by Derek. When suddenly there was a knocking sound from the other side of the door, all our heads wiped up to see a nurse walk in "you all are family of Jack Obert? " she asked "yes, Jill and I are his sisters,the rest are cousins" May told her and we all nodded "very well then-" she said but got cut off by will asking "so any good new?" "Will, Let her finish" I say an he shuts up but still taps his fingers on his crossed arms "thank you, now as I was saying my name is Dr. Flickens, my news for you all should be good, Jack is awake and can take visitors now, but only one at a time, where are his and your guys parents?" She asked, "they left to go get us food because we were all really hungry" I say "okay very well, follow me whoever a coming first" she said and May went first, then Will, then Jill, then Jhon, then finally, me.
I went last because I didn't want to take any chances on getting him all worked up again before the others got to see him, they were all in there for a good solid 20-25 minuets. I'm walking down the hall with the woman, until we reach the door she opens it up for me and I walked right in nodding to her as I passed by an headed to his bed.
I heard the door close behind me then jack say "hello" in a raspy way over tiered an injured sick voice while turning his head slowly towards me. I smile and walk towards him some more, "hey jack, how you feeling?" I asked "peachy, better then before that's for sure" he said again trying to sit up but I put my hand on his chest and back and said "no moving, doctors orders" an we both laugh but he ends up coughing from laughing so much. "AHHH Sarah, I'm glad your okay and here with us still" he said as if I was going to leave them for good, "I am to jack" I said smiling as I put a hand to his cheek "so glad you listened to me, I don't know what I would do if I lost you again" he said "listened to you, you lost me?" I ask totally lost "wait so you are leaving me-us, Sarah please stay, live" he repeated "live? Jack what are talking about" I ask really confused "Sarah please, don't go with him" he said and I sighed, there's no way I could get him to stop talking in parts. "Goodbye jack, see you later" I say sad, i walk over to the door when I here a faint "probably not" from Jack, I turn around, slam the door and say "what's that supposed to mean jack" i said abit annoyed at him, he scoffed/laughed then said said sadly with a few tears threatening to fall down his cheek "your with Phil now, he won't let you near us, so it's goodbye for good if you go with him" "I'm sorry jack, but I have to, we'll explain later I promise, and I won't let him keep me away from my friends and the people I love" I said with a nod an left the room.
well that was an informing visit, what did he mean by all that though? What's gonna happen to me, to us, to everyone?.
I walk out down the halls and into the waiting room. As I entered the room my parents an friends heads snapped to me, they looked sad but relieved in a way, "ready to go sweetie" my dad asked, I looked at my friends an said "ya, bye guys talk ta yas later" an we walked out. The whole ride home I was thinking again of all that I was informed of today, I was worried an scared an confused at what it all ment, but I really do hope nothing bad happens to anyone I love an care about.

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