CHAPTER:12- Missing

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Sarah explaining

The guys and I talked for a bit longer then we started to worry about Jill and May, they've been gone for a really long tong time, Will was gonna go looking for them both but decided against it, and wait for a few more minuets.

Relief came once we saw May coming back,  but she was running-alone, as she got closer we could see her worried expression. "Guys! I Can't Find Jill ANYWHERE!" May told us trying to catch her breath, Jack and will stood with a jolt and my eyes opened wide. "Okay, I can check the upstairs, Jack you can check this floor, May you stay here and wait with Sarah" Will said fast then ran off, Jack looked at me, and then ran off as well. "May, I can't just sit here while my friend is missing and 2 of my other friends are out there running around, we have to help" I said "Sarah you can't just get up an expect to be fine, if you do this you will only be making it worse" she said to me, and I knew it was to be true. I leaned back and let out a big sigh, then closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I had a dream, it seemed so real I could hardly BELIEVE it wasn't, it was all so vivid. It was my friends and I here, in this hospital.  except, I wasn't attach to all these wires, and I kept looking back and seeing May trying to stop me, I kept running faster an faster, faster then I could have imagined, unil that moment I came to a dead end, i was looking around frantically. Then I spotted it... a side door  from the corner of my eye and just as she was coming down that hallway I ran right in an through it, then the room changed, I was now in a very vibrant multi-coloured room, it was painful to the eyes, but bearable. I looked all around me, no sing of anyone or anything that could help, I was feeling the walls for anything, then all of the sudden I found something-a small little sparkle in the far Conner of the room, I walked over to it slowly, I picked it up-it was a small gold and silver box,I opened it up and inside was a lone figure- a key. I was puzzled I couldn't figure it out, then it hit me, I ran over to the door I came in and locked it then a door opened beside it, I walked in and saw Jill tied up in the corner crying hurt I took one step- then bam!                                                                                                                                   I woke up with a jolt, I sat straight up breathing hard. I had a feeling that that drem, wasnt just a dream, but a dream with a message, a message about finding Jill. I decided to take it on and to live that dream. It may just be the one chance we have to finding Jill. I looked over at May who had fallen asleep this is my chance I thought to myself, then I carefully tor off all the wires and stuff then started to run, turns out i was a louder runner then I remember because it seemed to have woken up May, an just like the dream it was happening. It took a twist and I bumped into Jack stumbling back, he reached out and caught me, "Sarah?" He asked confused "what are you doing?" I just looked at him then looked back-May was catching up, so I just let go of his arms and kept running. Then I got back on track and everything that had happened in my dream was happening again, I reached the dead end, I seen the door, and continued on from there. Finally I found her-for real, "Jill? Jill? OH MY GOD JILL!" I said excitedly not believing my eyes, I went to run over and her eyes opened wide and she started rapidly shaking her head no, then BAM knocked out.

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