CHAPTER:22-Home At Last!

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Sarah's pov.

I got out of the car and stood there at the end of Monica Marcell's driveway, she's a close family friend. I was thinking about everything that that has happened over the past 5 days and how my parents are probably a worried wreak by now and I have to go get my arm looked at again, and what was up with that taxi driver...he seemed to know everything an always seemed to be where we were?, and of all people to run into it had to be Phill? Why was he so obsessed with everything? And finally-why did we ever even go.....So, with that i desided to walk my way back down my long drive way to my house.
painfully I make my legs move, and every part of my legs, arms, face an stomach - all where cut, bruised, bleeding, and/or sore as frig! but i had to keep moving.
Once I reached my door I heard sobs an some voices, I he could make out a few thing like, ("where could they be? no one has seen them","theyll be ok trust them their smart kids", "I know but I ca- help think - wh-at if is ano-ther Martha situ-ation I-we can't lose her to!") Martha? As in my sister? I wounded if they knew I even know about her.... I never remember them 'telling' me about her, so idont know.... I thought to myself while bracing for what was to come.
More sobs from both mom an dad, I slowly walked in, quietly an slowly I closed the door. I took 2 steps and on the 3rd step it creeked an the sobs stopped and everything went silent as i apeered out from the doorway an their heads snapped up to me, their eyes went wide an they were red an puffy from all the crying, they were both wearing bummy clothes an hair was a mess, they looked like they haven't have slept for the whole 4-5 days I was gone!, mind you i bet i I looked alot worse. They both got up and came running over to me an hugged me tight, I winced a bit from the tight hug as they pressed down on my cuts an bruises. They pulled back and looked at me-their eyes where full of sadness, anger, and relief "SARAH AMBERLY SMITH! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU'VE BEEN!? IT'S BEEN ALMOST 5 DAYS! AND YOU LIED TO US BY SAYING THAT YOU WHERE OVER AT JILL'S FOR THE NIGHT AN HANGOUT THE NEXT DAY, THEN OFF TO A RACE CAR TRACK GAME, THEN A DAY WENT BY AN, AN WE GOT WORRIED WE HAD TO CALL JILL'S HOUSE HER MOM PICKED UP AND- THEY HAVEN'T SEEN ANY OF YOU, THEY ALL HEARD DIFFERENT STORY'S! HOW COULD YOU YOU LIE TO US LIKE THAT!" My dad yelled as my mom's hand was on his shoulder trying to calm him down, but didn't completely succeed "guys I'm really sorry, I never ment for any of this bad stuff to happen and I don't like Lying to you guys, this whole time even to now I have an had a pain in my gut from it" I replied with a hand over my gut, they looked at me then mom took my hand and walked me me over to the coach and we all sat down. "Honey why didn't you just ask us?" My mom asked me calmly "because I know you guys would've said no" I say "ok, but that's only because we love you and we want to protect you sweetie" she said "I know but still you guys never let me do anything, and I want to know why" I stated an asked "sweetie we wish we could let you do stuff on your own but it's still hard on us " she said "but why?" I asked "honey we can't tell you yet, I'm sorry" she told me, "mom, why not? How old do I have do be before you tell me whatever this is!?" I ask abit frustrated, while trying to hide the fact that I may know what this 'secret' now is.
"Soon honey," mom looked to dad for a second then back to me, "I promise, okay" she smiled while rubbing my my upper-arm, but when she said 'okay' she let her hand glide down my arm until she hit this one part an stopped as I screamed and she lifted her hand almost as fast as The Flash could move, as a pulled my arm up to my chest careful not to touch it, they both gasped as i tried to hold back my tears, her hand was covered in my blood from my newly once again, re-opened wound....thus musyve been the 4th time it re-opened. They both got up and rushed me into our bathroom and started pouring hydrogen peroxide in it and it started foaming an fizzing like crazy, hmm...I guess the doctors didn't do such a great job sterilizing it, "what happened!?" My parents both said in unison, It took me a while to respond because I was holding my breath trying not to scream and cry, but i FINALY started to take deep slow breaths and partly answered " well, when we got to Angelica's house, we met up with.....some people we knew from a while back....things got out of hand....and my forearm bone broke right through my skin...." "And you didn't go to the hospital!?" My dad asked "we did.... Once or twice, not really sure at the moment..." Dad looks to mom both with a worried expression, "We have to take her to the hospital, and quick" my dad said and we then wrapped my arm with a bandage-wrap, an got into the car an drove off to the hospital so we can get my arm check out, and hopefully even the rest of my injuries.
Even though I'm fighting through my pain, I can't help but are the others doing?...

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