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Sarahs prov.

On the way to the hospital my eyes still watering daring for the tears to spill out.
I look down at the wrap around my arm and the whole top half is stained red with my blood.
We drove an drove all the way to the hospital, the ride was pretty scilent, besides my parents whispering every now and then.
Although I couldn't stop thinking about everything that has happened....and how pretty much all of it was my fault due to my stupidity, if only we didn't actually end up going to that party we may never have ran into Phil.
Then everyone, all of us would be safe and intact, I just hope they all forgive me, my first apology act for all this was finally agreeing to Phil to be his girlfriend in exchange for my friends safety.
I'll keep trying make it all up to them no matter what.
We finally arrived to the hospital and got out, they walked me in and as we entered I saw all my friends sitting in the waiting room.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them shocked as we stared at eachother
"here for injury and....." Jill trailed off "what?..." I asked them causiously "Jack - he's...badly injured, he wasn't just knocked out cold... he was close to-" she trailed off again as she started crying.
I felt tears starting to fall as I clued in to what she she was saying Jack was close to death-
damn you Phil, I'll get my revenge on him for sure.
"Sarah, Dr.Evans will see you now" a nurse called
"this conversation isn't over guys, I'll be back in a few" I say an walk off following the nurse to a room with a blue door an baby-blue walls, two chairs, a wooden desk, a hospital bed, a weird machine thing by it, needles an thread, a sink, sanitizer/cleaner.

I was lost in thought thinking about what was gonna happen to Jack.

Will he survive? Will he die? I hope not, Phil-will-pay, Jack better be alright, I don't know what I'd do if we lost him for good, how long will he be out for?.......

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a mans voice saying, "hello Sarah, I'm dr.Evans, I will be the one checking you wounds and helping heal them properly"
"Hi Dr.Evans, thank you so much for doing this for me" I say
"it's my job dear, now sit on up on the bed an lets take a look" I did as he said and he took a look at every one of my wounds, she said that most will heal on there own but the one on my arm he stitched up three times, extra good, an I yelped in pain with every poke.
"Almost done Sarah, just one more thing" he says and takes me to another room, another Dr. comes in and introduces himself as Dr. Falco. "You are almost finished, due to the bone breaking right in half, we will also have to cast it" he tells me,
I nod an say "okay",
he smiled and then got to work.

Once I was all good to go they told me "Be careful, don't put pressure on it, try not to hit it, and don't use it ok?"

"ok Dr.Evans, and Dr. Falco, thank you" I say and leave the room.

Hmm they did a better job than the people at the other hospital did, she just only put 2 wraps around it instead of 3, but that's okay, an this time, they actually put a cast on it.
I walk out to the waiting room and the desk lady Sherry says "if you wish to go see Jack now you may, he's in room C1342" I nod
"is he okay?" I ask,
"he's awake... But only Just-he has Been mumbling a name every once an a while" she tells me,
"who's name!? I have to see him now" I ask/say quickly
"you can, and should-he's been saying, your name Sarah, the most" my eyes widen an I feel a tear run down my cheek, I look back at my parents and they nod, I mouth a 'thank you' and quickly run to that room and stop as I see a sticker that says C1342.
I knock and wait for an answer, I hear shuffling then a nurse come to the door.
"Sarah Amberly, I'm here to see Jack" I state and she nods opening the door for me an I ran to his bedside careful of my arm, the nurses left us alone.

"oh Jack," I say tears in my eyes ready to fall any minuet
"mmmm... Sarah?" He mumbled, eyes still closed, but then, he grabs my wrist out of nowhere and his eyes shot open as he said
"Sarah! Don't go with him! Stay, be happy! if you go, the lies the horror!-only bad things shall come our way!" And his grasp loosens as his eyes close and his hand falls back to the bed an his whole body went limb, breathing heavily.
I yell "JACK!" and press the red button.
Nurses and doctors come rushing in and push me aside, I stand against the wall thinking about what he said and what he meant by it. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate,
I'm surprised because I forgot to take it the night all this started...
I look at the caller ID an see it's from John, come to room D250 now, and hurry!"
"Okay on my way now" and hung up, I take one more look towards Jack and sigh as a tear slips down my face.
I turn to open the door to run out to find room D250 when a nurse/doctor grabbed my arm
She asked me "what happened?"
"I don't know... I was by his bed when-" should I tell her the truth?
"When?" She asked "well-when-he-aaa, grabbed my wrist and his eyes shot open, and he said something, but I forget what..." I explain,
"okay, then what" she asked
"then his eyes shut and his body went limb" I say
"okay thank you" she said and I ran out of the room and down to room D250.
A few minuets passed of me running and I found it I knocked and heard Jill say "who is it?"
"It's Sarah Amberly"
"phew ok come in" I walked in and seen them all sitting in chairs along the wall it was silent I look around at all of my friends then stop and a person I forgot about, and memories and questions all come flooding back to me from that night.
The taxi driver, he told us to be careful, How'd he know when to pick us up those times? how'd he know we where here?
I was shocked and it was visible "good, now that your all here, there's something I need to tell you that you all need to hear" he said
"okay what is it" May asked
"I know you guys are upset and confused about Sarah and her new- friend Phil- I to wish she stayed with Jack- but she isn't with Phil because she wants to be, but because she wants to protect you guys" he explained, they all looked sad and shocked as for me, I was shocked he knew.
I said "! How did you know that? If he finds out they know, who knows what he'll do to them!" I exclaimed
"because, I was watching you guys, making sure you didn't do anything stupider and don't worry bout that, I'll make sure that he doesn't hurt them anymore" he stated with a hand over his heart
"why?" Will asked
"because, after I could barely save Martha, I swore to her that I would always protect her family and friends till the day I die, an I'll get my son to take over protecting you guys." He explained again, tears threatened to fall as he mentioned Martha.
I was shocked, "Martha! shes alive!where!!?" I asked/yelled happily,
he turned to face me and said "sweetie, Martha's..." He sighed "Martha's what!?" I asked pained of what the answer may be,
"she's okay, she's just-in hiding" he said
"in hiding?" I ask confused, my friends looked at me shocked
"yes, she got in a lot of trubble and desperately needed help-she couldn't go to her family because, she didn't want them to get hurt" He told us
"it's been 6 freaking years! Why can't she come home yet!?" I ask/yell "because she thinks that you guys forgot about her and gave up on her an trying to find her" he said sadly "WHAT! No way! She's always on our minds, we still remember an miss her!, and we still even print off missing pictures of her but just saying that she's older, and we even still count her birthdays and everything" I say starting to cry
"well, if you want I could find her an bring her home?" My eyes went wide as he offered this
"hush now child, you can't tell you parents about her coming or even being alive still" he says
"what, why?" I ask
"because just trust me" he says very seriously
"okay..." I say.
My friends still in shock staring an standing there as still as statues, the driver turns to look at all of us an says,
"by the way, I'm Derek Harlow, hope to see you soon" he gets up to leave but before he can do so I call out
" wait!" He turned around to look at me
"yes Sarah?"
"What did you mean by 'after I could barely save Martha' what happened to her?" I asked,
He sighed again and put his head down, he rubbed his hands down his cheeks as he sat back down an speaks, "I met your parents when she was just born and we became great friends after a while, they never trusted anyone with their child but but me, until the one day when I couldn't baby sit and they had plans that they couldn't cancel on, so they had to call a baby sitter just this once and when they came home they where both gone. They where devastated, they had lost their eldest child at 5 or 6, after that they searched and searched upswing the media sites, news teams, cops. Everything, once you were born they never trusted anyone with you-not even their dearest friend, or family" he explained sadly
"hey," I say softly putting a hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me with watery eyes,
"I'm sure they'll forgive you, do they know who took them?"
"no, but I do-I've been searching for her ever sense I found out who it was, so 5 1/2 years," he told us,
"what's their name?" I asked
"his names John Miguel" he sighed and I gasped at the name.
his head shot up an everyone looked at me weirdly, "that's, Phil's, grandfather-" his eyes widened
"you have to get him- where he is?" He asked quickly
"tell me the rest of the story first" I demanded
"ok, he took both and he-he held them captive and when I came to save them, there was something off-the room was completely empty, then I heard a few grunts, I ran towards them an seen poor Martha, she looked so depressed, so sad, so starved, so thirsty, hurt and tired. I ran to her, I picked up her body and carried her out an brought her to the protection program, she's been there ever sense, but no sign of the sitter or John Miguel" he said.
"So Sarah, you must stay with phil for as long as possible, until we can capture his grandfather"
"how long May that be" I asked
"I don't know but we'll try to hurry, but when it happens, I'll tell you and then you can break it off with him an we shall take him too just to be safe" he said
"but I can't, I made a deal with him" I say sadly, "okay like I said we shall take him to dont worry about that, and as to of how, just start acting mean, give him attitude, give him sass, argue with him, disobey him, be rude, ruthless, everything, the
Worst girlfriend ever and he'll do the breaking up, but when he dose be like, 'fine' flip the hair and walk out" he explained the plan,
"okay, I'll try my best" I say
"good luck, we will be in touch ok" "okay" he then nods and walks out, and I'm left with my shocked friends as I thought of what may happen.
"Sarah, how are you doing" Jill asked finally, "how do you think, I just found out my sisters still alive after almost 6 1/2 freaking years, I have to stay with phill to keep everyone safe, and when I start to act all mean like, what will he do? Last time I disobeyed him he beat on me abit And what about you guys, and jack" I say an start to cry they all came over and hugged me, "do you want to go back out to the main waiting room, or go see jack?" May asked me "let's ask if we can first I don't wanna make anything more worse for him again" I say "again?" They all ask, and my eyes widen as I gasp..."what do you mean you again?" Jhon speaks up "ummm, haheh...well, when I went in to go see him, he said my name in a whisper....then grabbed my wrist and said some things and his eyes where opened and then he--he just fell limb" I say thinking back to it...."what was it that he said?" May asked "I, it all happened so fast, I'm not even sure myself" I say, I didn't want to worry them about Phil more then they already are.

Hey guys!
I hope re-writing this story like this makes it easier to read, and or understand where the chapters start and end, and maybe even the story it's self.
I'd love to hear your guys comments on my book(s), give me more motivation to write more often!
Keep reading and hope you all are enjoying it!!

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