CHAPTER:21- Surprise Surprise

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Sarahs prov.

(Present time)

It was now noon, when we woke up, it was warm but the wind made it feel colder, it was quiet - minus the wind birds an snores of Jhon. I was the first one up again an my head hurts from all of Wills farts - I'm surprised I didn't passout by them when I woke up-.
I was outside walking back an forth but stopped when i heard a quiet bang come from my old house, I take a quick peek inside the hideout to see everyone still sleeping. So then i slowly walk to my old house an up the wooden door. My old house is all white with blue trimming and shutters with brown curtains, white Roman colloms on either porch an old-fashion wooden door an A ragged 'welcome ' Matt an a banner mail box slot attached to the house, i loved this house back then.
I open the door an walked in, the first thing i see is a to my old right - it's the living room; it has a couch, a love seat, a coffee table a lamp with pink an red roses on the shade, the walls are still green but plain, I continue down the long hall way an pass by the kitchen an a bathroom.... Finally I reached the end of the long hallway an seen a staircase made of what looked like oak wood.
I walk up them hearing the creeks an cracks of the steps the upstairs floor has purple carpet and 4 rooms my parents is the 2nd room my sister is the 1st and mine is last,
'whats the 4th room you ask- i don't know, I never went in it, but the real clear question here is *sister*, ye-yes I had a sister her name was Martha, she was 16 when-when she left us.
We don't like to talk about her as it makes us sad so technically I'm not an only child well for spirit talking. You see I don't really know what happened to her but my parents were devastated they spent years on end looking for her but no luck at all.

So I'm walking through the hall but stop when I hear a grunt, I follow the noise and came to the unknown door, I was hesitant at first but once I heard another grunt i looked in to find...Phill...

"Phill?" I say in a sighed shocked wisper

"hello Sarah, glad you could come" he smiled an evil grin but with his face still mangled up it looks alittle funny but still i was shocked to see him, like how did he know I would be here!?

"how?" I asked

"simple actually, because now you see if i didn't follow you guys after what happened in the ally way when you guys got Jack out i would have known you took him back here" he said

"ok... but then why?" I asked,

he sighed 'playfully'
"because Sarah with having you belive that I had disappeared and gone away from you guys, and secretly keep an eye and ear out, I could make sure you guys came here so I can ask, an tell you something VERY important" he explained

"ok then, just tell me Phil" I said getting fustrated

he started walking as he said "well I know you care and love your friends, and would never want anything bad to happen to them..." he pauses

he had stopped at the closet in the unknown room an grabs the door nob, he opens it and pulls something big out...

it's Jack he's all tide up with cuts and everything!

"Jack!?" I say shocked again not beliving my eyes.

I look at him then back to Phil 3 times before I say "what did you do to him!?! "
As i run over to his side all he did was groan I felt tears in my eyes but refused to let them fall,

"when did you even manage to get him out from the hide out without waking anyone!?!?" I said again distrot clear in my voice.

"Sarah come, be with me, be MY girlfriend again" he purposed


"LISTEN HERE YOU BRAT! I COULD'VE KILLED HIM BUT I DIDN'T.... YOU KNOW WHY!!?" He yelled at me mad for being rude

"why" I said flatly

"because my sweetness, this -this was a warning, I know you don't want your friends to get hurt anymore then they already are so... come, be with me or I'll never leave and will never stop and worse things will happen to you and your friends then that" he pointed to jack as he said 'that'.

I looked at him then to Jack then back to him then to the floor

"fine... I'll be with you, but Phil, you have to give me your most sacred word to not hurt my family, my friends and theirs again" I demanded

"fine, I give you my word..." he said grumpy like

"ok thank you now... let's go get help" he took my hand and started dragging me out of the room.

I did a quick look back and relized the room had (white with pink flowered wallpaper, a beige sofa coach, a patio deck thing, it had a walk in closet, red carpet with brown stains, and some pictures of my whole family mom mom dad me and even Martha!)

I couldn't see anything else before I was yanked out of the room down the hall down the stairs down the other hall and outside to the sidewalk where we seen Jhon Will May and Jill standing there shocked to see me with  Phil of all of all people, holding my hand

"Jhon Will, Jacks up stairs very last room, get him and bring him down quick he needs to get help fast " I say fast an sadness clear in my voice, but they just stand there stunned...ugh!

"Well... GO ON, GO GET HIM! GO FAST!" I demanded

"o-okay see you soon" Jhon said as they ran inside

"HEY, JILL, MAY, COMMON GET YOUR ASSES IN THE DAMN CAR NOW!" Phill yelled demandingly they put theirs heads down and stood there.

I steped infront of phill and said "NO ONE, GETS TO TALK TO THEM LIKE THAT AND ITS JILL AND MAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!" I Yelled at him defending my friends.

They looked shocked when I looked back at them but even more shocked when I turned back around to face Phill,
I got a good hard slap across my face wouldn't be surprised if that left a bruise...
I stood there holding my check, face still facing the left, i glanced up at him as he said through gritted teeth

"don't speak to me that way!"

Then he grabbed me by the back of my neck and shoved me in the cars passengers seat and slammed the door.

I heard a faint 'get in' two times as everyone else piled in.

"Where to first?" Phill grunted

"South Sherman Creasent 765-jacks, then 798-jills, 804-Mays, 815-Wills then 824-Jhons, and 850-sarah, then you" I said


So off we went driving away to FINALLY get home.
We dropped off Jack, Jhon and Will carried him down the driveway while i destracted Phill, bc little did he know I told him the cite numbers that where 2 houses down from their actually houses because I don't trust him.
Once everyone was all home safe and sound it was my stop, but before I could even get out Phil pulled me into him and hugged me tightly I winced at the pain when he touched my arm a tad with his sleeve.

"sorry bout that" he apologized once again shocked

"look phill, I want to take things slowly and if i dont answer your texts or calls its because im grounded magerly" I said

and quickly got out I heard a faint
"ok bye"

so i waved bye and stood there at the end of some persons driveway just taking in the fresh calm air letting myself relax, just then I remembered something that are important like for the fact that I've been gone for almost almost 5 days and my parents are probably a sick worried wreak by now and I have to go get my arm looked at again.

So with that in my mind, i decided to walk my way back home.

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