Chapter 46: The Safe House

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Jhon's prov.

After I hung up from Sarah I grabbed my helmet and bike and called everyone and told them to meet me at Carlos Hut asap.

When I reach the Hut I see them all there with their bikes seeming very confused.

"Hey guys! Thank you for meeting so soon" i say as i reach them.

"No problem, but jhon, what's all this about? You sounded super worried on the phone" Will said

" I cant go into details, so i need you to trust me, okay?" I say

"Of course well trust you, but should we not wait for Sarah?" Jack says

"She wont be coming with us unfortunately...." I get cut off

"If something's wrong that she should be leaving with us John. We cant just leave her" Jack exclaims

"Forget Jack, she never comes round anymore, to busy" Jill says

"Enoygh! Shes going through more $hi+ than any of you could guess okay. Shes the one who called me and warned me to get us all out of town. Craps about to go down and if we dont leave we could all end up dead okay?" I break at Jill's comment

They all gasped at my outrage, seemingly stunned.

"Look. Theres a safe house in the woods on the outskirts of town, it's a little bunker Sarah had set up in case anything were to happen....we have to go there now and stay there till we get a call from here that it's safe to come back" I say

They all just nod at me.

"Alright, I'll explain more later, but we have to go now" I say

And with that I push off and start peddling away,
I hear them scramble and soon we see biking in a group.

.......  30 minutes later   .......

I stop at the forest line and turn to the group.

"Alright guys, there should be a lightly beaten down path leading to the safe house but we cant bike it, so we'll have to walk our bikes there" I say

"Alright, lead the way" May pipes in

I nod and start in, noticing it's almost noon already.

.......  20 minutes later  .......

"Alright guys, put the bikes in here" I direct as I walk towards an abandoned green cargo containment bin.

Afterwards we head into a clearing abit away where we come to a submarine door lid leading into what looks like some kind if well.

"Is this the place?" Will asked

I turn the wheel and open the lid

"Yeah, this is it. Common" I reply

I head down the ladder and into the bunker.

I look around, and see it is fully stocked with furniture and food supplies everything well need.

"Wow.....Sarah set this up for us?" Jill asked amazed

"Hah...yeah she did....she knew wed need it..." I say as a tear slips from my eye

I hope she'll be okay.

"What do you mean she knew?" Jack asked

I sigh and turn around to face my friends.

"Guys...please sit, its quiet a story..." I say

We all go and they gather on the bed while I sit across from them on a stool preparing to tell them everything I know.

" you already know, when we got back from the trip to town for the party, the only way to ensure ours and our families safety was for Sarah to be with Phil?" I start

They all nodded remembering why this all started, except jack he seemed very confused.
Ohh that's right, he was too beat up to be conscious for that conversation... I'll fill him in later.

"Well, over the past few months that Sarah's been with Phil, he's been abusing her..." I'm cut off

"What!? And you knew this and didnt say anything!? To anyone!? Or try to stop it?" Jack blows up

"I haven't known all along...member the phone call I got when i was visiting you?" I ask

Realization Dawn's on him,

"It was a pocket dial, she was at Phil's and she had hit a button that called me, I had heared muffled talking and a slap noise, followed by a grunt and a thump before the call was disconnected.....I rushed over and caught the tail end of it and confronted Sarah about it the next day" I say

"You never did tell me what the call was about...." jack trails off

"Because I couldn't....another reason Sarah is with phil is to send him and his uncle to jail for abuse and kidnapping and so her sister can come home from protective custody"  I tell them

They gasp, "her sister!?" They all say

"The one that got kidnapped as a child, Martha. Shes been working with the RSP the whole time for it as well" I say

They just nodded clearly stunned by the whole situation.

"Jack, she did visit you in hospital, three times secretly before Phil found out and beat her pretty bad for it and threatened to kill us all leaving her to cope." I say to give him some hope

"Last I heard was today before I called you guys, she had said 'im stuck right now, but I'll be with you guys soon', and that 'Phil didn't do anything this was his grandfather...but when phil finds out I'm missing, I feel as if he'll think I ran and go after you guys...please, hide.' So I called you all and brought you here" I tell them

They all look as shocked and worried as i was and am.

"$h!t.....and we just left her to fend on her own? While we hide out like cowards?" Jack exclaims

May puts her hand on his shoulder,

"Jack, Its for the dont remember everything that family is capable of, but we wouldnt be able to take them on by ourselves, they would kill us for sure." May trys to reason with him,

"Great, so Sarah sacrificing herself for us is just something we'll have to accept? Go along with?" he says

I sigh,

"Jack, have faith....she had enough wits about her when I spoke with her to have her cell phone and make some calls, I'm sure she called Derek too to get his help" I say

He nods his head trying to come to terms with what's happening.

"Its past lunch and we havent eaten guys, theres plenty of food here, let's make something to eat while we wait for the call." I suggest

With that they all get up to help find some food and cook.

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