Chapter: 34- When?

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Jack's prov.

After John got that phone call he looked terrified and even though he tried to hide it I could see right through him. Something has happened with Sarah and I'm going to find out what it is.
I'm lying here in this very uncomfortable bed thinking about all the possibilities when I hear a knock on my door, "come in!" I say and in walks a nurse.
"How are you feeling Jackson" she asks using my full first name with a smile
"I'm doing really good! Do you know when I'll be released??" I ask eagerly

she stiffles a laugh "funny you ask" she says as she pulls out a clip board and wiggles it in the air

"your parents are outside waiting to fill out your release form" she smiles, and I can tell my face lit right up!

I'm back evryone! And am ready for anything! Hold on to your seats because one way or another I'm finding out the truth and will make Sarah relized that Phil is fibbing and to leave him for good.

"I'll be right back with some clothes for you to change in to" she smiles and leaves the room.
I grab my phone and text in the group chat,

Me: hey guys! good news, I'm getting out today!! In a few minuets! :D

May: thats so awesome Jack!!! Best news in a while!

Jill: so glad to hear that your doing better and getting out!

John: sick dude! Can't wait to see ya!

Sarah: so glad you're out Jack! Can't wait for all of us to get back to hanging out together! Miss you all! :D

Me: can't wait either! We should get together tomorrow or this afternoon even!

All: definitely!

They responded right away. I wonder what Sarah meant by "miss you all" had she not seem them in a while?

Everything's so weird now. We never should've tried to go to that party, it just caused waayy to much drama between everyone.

The nurse walks back in with a pair of folded up jeans and a black shirt.
She sets them down at the end of my bed and says with a smile,
"your clothes are here, when your all changed and ready just come right out"
"thank you Nurse. Skeeter" I say with a similar smile , she nods then turns to walk out the door but before she closes it, she stops.

She looks back in at me with a ready to spill some josey gossip look
"by the way, I can tell your girlfriend really loves you, she's a keeper son" she says with a wink then leaves leaving me speechless...

Girlfriend? I dont have a girlfriend...Who could that be? Jill and May wouldn't do anything to give off that impression, would they?.... Sarah hasn't come by a lot apparently so it couldn't be her...but who else could it be?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts but It won't stop eating away at me about who it could be.
I get up and get changed into the clothes I was given and walk out on my way, my legs feeling a bit wobbly from not walking on them for a few weeks and my muscles still hurt and my body's aching from lack of movement and comfortability.
I reach the waiting room and see my parents
"hey guys" I say and their heads Wiped up to meet me.
my mom starts to run towards me with a huge smile and tears running down her face and my dad approches me slowly with tears brimming his eyes and he reaches around my mother and I an hugged us both.

After a bit, they pull back and mom wipes away her tears,
"I'm so thankful your okay honey , we were so worried about you" my mom tells me

"I missed you guys, thank you for everything , and I'm sorry for lying to you guy's and putting you through all of what you have gone through"  I tell them

"No need to be sorry dear, in my opinion you've already had your punishment for what you did and for the next few things that may god forbid happen" she smiles

"common guys, let's go home" my dad smiles

"thank you so much again Ms. Skeeter!" We say as we walk out

"anytime!" She yells back and smiles brightly.

Sarah's prov.

After I got home from my talk with John, I couldn't help but just lye In my bed and think about what all this could mean.

Could it be enough to put Phil and his Grandfather away for good? Could this mean that Martha could FINALY come home? That I won't have to be Phil's girlfriend anymore? No more hiding the abuse he inflicts on me? FINALY being able to hangout with all of my friends again? Including Jack? That I can be with Jack !?

I can't wait to talk to Derek again tomorrow and show him the recording John took of them!
Oh my.....John knows that Phil's been hurting me....what if he tells?? No, he wouldn't, not yet, I have to trust him, he's helping me after all.

I guess we'll have to wait and see till after we've all meet up.
Thankfully the stitches in my arm will be coming out tomorrow....that's about the only thing Phil's been somewhat careful about with me.

Time to go meet them all.

John's prov.

That's all I can say right now about the conversation I just had with Sarah and the news I got from Jack, it's amazing and shocking.
I don't get why she is putting up with his abuse and not trying to stop him or anything....
I mean like I get why she's with him, but just not why she isn't doing anything about him beating on her.
A part off me wants to report him to someone, but I know that if I do that then Sarah may never have another chance at bringing down Phil's grandfather in order to bring her sister home....dear God, when will this all be over with??

We all are going to meet up at Carlos Hut right now, so we'll see how everything pans out soon enough.

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