CHAPTER:7- Chase

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Inside, May was with Phil upstairs in the washroom with John standing outside the door because the bathroom was really small.
She was washing the blood off him, putting peroxide on the small cuts, band aids on the bigger ones, stitchting the supper deep ones, an wrapping his ribs with bandage wraps.
It took her about an hour before she was finished helping him.

"Thank you" he said to May,

"no problem" she said, then she leaned in close to his ear an whispered
"but if you ever hit my friend/s again, your gonna have a real problem to deal with". She pulled back gave him a slight nod then left the room and went downstairs with John by her side.

As they went down the stairs she was getting bumped, pushed, scrambled around until BAM! She sacked heads with Jill,
"OUCH! What the hell May" she said rubbing her head

"sorry, I was being jumbled all around" May replied.

"May! John! your okay!" I said excitedly

"but wait, where's Phill" I asked

"he's ok, upstairs still I think" May replied

"okay good, we should leave before something else bad happens" I said to them.

So off we all went through room after room heading towards the door when I realised I forgot my purse on the coach,

"I'll be right back guys" I told them,

so using the (buddy system) me and Jack went to the main room to get my purse, when we got there, by the coach, holding my purse was Phill, he was with a group of guys, I didn't know why he was Holding my purse but I wanted to find out.

Jack an I walked up to them "hey Phill, can I have my purse please" I asked,
he looked at me then at Jack then back to me and laughed a short laugh, "why would I do that, your boyfriend over here nearly killed me" he coughed
"I don't have to give you anything",

"comm'on he's just protective over his friends, he wouldn't actually" I told him,
he just stared at me with a grin, then looked at his friends,
"fine, you want your purse, go get it" he said as he tossed it to his friend who ran down the hall.

I ran after him down hall after hall through the main level then the second level, twisting and turning left an right, almost out of breath when finally we hit a dead end and ran into a room, I shut the door behind me and stopped in place, some how he had disappeared. It wasn't that big of a room, i was right behind him to... I didn't understand where he could have went.

I stood there looking side to side-up an down, and saw nothing.

where could he be? I thought to myself, when suddenly I saw something in by the closet-a shadow.

i don't know if its him, it could be a cat for all i know, I go after it, then have him jump me from behind.
Dam Dale! he's the one who got us into this mess in the first place, he should, be helping us get out of it.

i swear when i see him, i'm gonna go off on his ass an he'll wish he was never born.
i don't know if i should go for it, or wait to see if my friends find us... i need my purse back and i DON'T want anyone going through it. it has my phone, wallet (money, cards, ID) , makeup, picture of my family, friends, and more. That's it! i'm gonna go for it.

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