CHAPTER:26-What Am I Gonna Do...

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Sarah's prov.

I wake up once again from nightmares, but this time a new one was there, one that he made... I lay in my bed to catch my breath, before I go to get some water. I go downstairs, my hairs a messy my throats parched I was crying but stopped an it's hard to tell now. Once I reach the kitchen my moms sitting on the stool by our island,I grab a glass of water an down it fast the coldness felt so good on my throat, I turn around to be greeted with my moms concerned stare. "Hi darling, how are doing?" She asked "okay I geuss, you know, considering what's all happened" I say, she nods her head an says " well honey, if ya need any help with anything, just let us know okay?" She tells me "ok thanks mom" I reply with a small smile, which in return I get a gasp an mom covers her now dropped jaw, I look at her confused. Till I realizes she's staring at my cheek...Crap!! "honey, what happened to your cheek!?" She asked concerned an shocked, "it's nothing, i hit it on my night stand when I rolled over from a nightmare" I lie for now, mom just stares at me an says after a bit "honey are sure your okay? It looks to weird shaped for a nightstand?" I stand there looking at her trying to think of another lie, ok it's not like I really like to lie to them, this time I'm doing it for their sake, I realize a few mineutes passed an moms face looks even worse with worry "i dont know, maybe I hit on something when I fell on my way home also" I excuse, "okay then honey, just go back to bed an try an get some rest, okay" "okay mom, see you later" I smile then walk off back to my room. I enter my room an go straight to my bed, I snuggle under my wolves comforter bed set, an lye there staring at a picture of my whole family, an all I think about as I fall asleep is that all of this is so I can see my sister again, I fall asleep an don't have nightmares again instead I dream of me an my sister (dream- I FINALY break up with Phil, I walk out of his house with him frustrated an mad beyond belief but I keep walking with out even looking back. I go home get in my car and drive off to somewhere, once I get there it's all open fields with a few old ragged looking homes, I see another car pull up and I see Derek and MARTHA! Get out, I get out as well and we run to each other, an hug for god knows how long, "Martha I can't BELIVE your here, your home!, your safe!" I yell ecstatic "I know!" She yells back, we pull away slightly and look at each other, "Sarah, what happened to you!?" She asked now seeing all the cuts an bruises on my forearms, neck, hands an face sense my tear got rid of the concealer, she look horrified by it, I look down and said "it was for a good reason" she gasps and grabs me, I try my hardest not to show the pain an its working so far, she takes off my sweater an I'm wearing a tank top under it, of all days, I have bruises, red marks, hand marks, blood, cuts (shallow and deep), some scars, thin line marks, and more she gasps again, I look over to Derek an see he's shocked, probably by what this plan has done to me, "Sarah, what happened really?" She asked again examining my wounds, "I told you, it was for a good cause" I say "listen to me now, no cause is good enough to pay by getting physically abused, got it! Now what happened" she yelled , and I sighed, "I had to date my ex Phil" I say "he did this to you? How long has he been doing this?" She asked "yea it was all him, and well, sense the day I was first was demanded to go over, I told him I wanted to take it slow but..." "But what?" She asked "but he-" "no! Sarah! Just hold in there, it'll be alright I promise!" She said to me as she started disappearing along with everything else (end of dream). I wake up sitting up straight, as I yelled "MARTHA!!!!" while holding my chest breathing hard, my parents come rushing in with worried faces on "honey are you okay!?" Mom says first, I nod slowly, "what happened sweetheart." Dad asks "ju-just a dre-dream" I say between breaths they nod, "okay dear, would you like to try an get ome more sleep, or get up?" Ma asks, "what time is it?" I ask "ummm I don't know, here," she says then passes me my phone, I look, wholly crap it's like 12:30 PM! And I have a missed call an 5missed messages from Phil, an 2 others from Jill, and... Jack, I frown "what's wrong?" Mom asks me "hmm, oh nothing, just a lot of missed messages I have to answer" I say and they nod their heads again, "we'll meet you down stairs then sweetie" dads tells me as they both kiss my forehead an leave shutting the door silently. I unlock my phone and look at the messages,

Phil: hey how are ya?

Sarah you better answer... Don't make me come over to your place an get you myself!
That's it, I'm coming over!
Me: hey Phil sorry I was asleep you don't have to come over, really it's okay, I'm doing good hbu?

Jill: hey how ya doing?
Me: okay I guess, not much I can do ya know :( how are you, an everyone?"

Jack: hi Sarah, how you holding up? Is it okay if we talk soon?
Me: hi Jack, I'm okay I guess, how bout you? Ummm sure, when's good for you?

I put my phone down, and head on out downstairs, when suddenly I hear the doorbell, oh god, please don't be- "afternoon, is Sarah here?" Dammit "yea she is just a moment, she just woke up I'll go get her, please come in" my mom says, "oh, honey, you have someone at the door" she says and I walk down with her an the see Phil, he looks at my face to see the bruise an I can see the madness in his eyes at it, "hi Phil" I say "heh, hello Sarah, umm excuse me?" He said to my parents, "yes?" My mom asks "I was wondering if I may take your daughter out for a bit?" He said, she looked at me an I put on a fake smile she smiled an said "sure, be back before 6:30," she say "heh yes ma'm, see you to soon" he said as we started walking "bye ma bye dad!" I called out as I close the door behind us.

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