Chapter 56: We Need to talk

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Sarah's prov.

The past few days have been marvelous with having Martha back home with us.

Shes been trying to convince Erik that it'll be okay to start dating openly now, even told him my plan, but the Secret Service is strict and has alot of policies....I wonder if I can get Derek to help at all? Could hurt to ask him right?

My bruises have gotten more faded and I'm almost back to my regular skin tone, minus the ribs, theres still some bruising from the cracked ribs.

Last night Jack texted asking to hangout, he offered to come to mine as I'm still not fully recuperated,
He's so kind and  considerate..... nothing like that monster Phil...

I throw on a light cozy sweater and some black pleather leggingings, after tossing my hair in a messy bun I decide to head downstairs to wait for Jack.

I I reach the bottom of the stairs I see mom and Martha watching the movie Letters to Juliet.
It was always all ours favorite, right next to the Notebook and Dirty Dancing.

As I go walk over to join them, theres a knock on the door, so I belong for there.

As I reopen the door, I see Jack, he offers me a smile,

"Hey, how are you feeling? You look better" he says

"I'm getting there, I'll be glad when the ribs are healed" I say offering him a small smile in return

"Want to sit out back?" I ask

"Sure, sounds good" he says taking a step back for me to close the door, joining him outside.

He take ahold of my hand and we make our way to the back yard, neither if us saying anything.

Why did he take my hand? Don't get me wrong, it feels so right, but.... it's not like he took it to mean anything....but he's not holding it as if to only help me walk either...

Once we reach the back yard, we take a seat next to the firepit.

"How are you doing?" He asked

"Great honestly! I slowly healing, everyone I care about is safe, Phil and and John are in jail for good, Martha's came home, o get to spend time with you guys without having to worry.....things couldn't be better" I finish gleaming

Though, one thing could be better.....Jack and I could be together, but, I'm glad I have him as a friend at least.

"That's great! Martha ended up being able to come home after all this time! How did they find her?" He asked me

"Well Derek knew she was being hidden away somewhere by the Secret Service, he made a deal with then that if we got John in jail, than she could cone home to us.....the day you guys all came over to visit, Derek snuck her up to my room to what for me to find her there" I tell him smiling

"Wow, I'm so happy for you guys!" He says smiling back

I update him on everything Martha before asking what he's been up to.

"Well, not alot....been trying to figure some thing out I guess... I had my hypnosis appointment yesterday" he says

I tense subtlely but put on a smile anyways.

"Wow, they got you in quick, hiwd it go?" I ask

"Good actually! I was able to remember pretty much everything up till Phil knocked me out in the closet" he says

I cringe, remembering that day myself...

I feel a hand rest on my knee and follow the arm to meet Jack's eyes,

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah....just, remembering that day, how you looked...I was so worried..." I say

He offered me a small and nervous smile, keeping eye contact.

"I'm okay, thanks to you...." he says

Theres something in his eyes though, as if he's having an eternal battle with himself over something?

" are you, now that you remember everything?" I ask

"Good I guess? I don't know, it was alot to take in at once, alot went down that I forgot about" he says thinking

"You sure your okay Jack? You seem....distant almost..." I ask

He looks away from me and into the cold coals in the firepit,

"Yeah....its just, why couldn't you guys have filled in the blanks for me?" He asked

"Well, like you said, it was alot....I cant speak for the others, but I myself couldn't, and honestly, I figured it was probably best left forgotten, that way you wouldnt have to relive all of it again...." I explain

"But, i had asked, multiple times....I wanted to know everything, no matter how bad it was...there has to be more to it than that" he expressed

I sigh,
"Jack....honestly, a part of me wishes the blow to my head in the cellar wiped my memory of it all....I kinda wish I could forget, wish we all could and just go back to how thing were before..." I say looking away from him

"I don't...." he says

I turn to look at him quickly, only to see hes already looking at me.

"You dont....Why not?" I ask genuinely curious

"Because, if we didn't go to that party, and Phil and I didnt get into that first fight, we would still be in the dark about our feelings for each other, if you never got together with him, he never would have had to have you followed and abuse you to make sure you stayed away from me because he was so insecure about our relationship." He says emphasizing some words

I feel my eyes go wide at his words, I'm truely, shocked.

He remembers why he first fought Phil, and who I would've willing chosen...
He remembers....

"Wha,what?" I manage to say

He takes a few deep breaths as of realizing what he said before standing up, and stepping in front of me.

He takes my hands and gently pulls me up to stand with him.

My breath becomes heavier as my nerves go haywire on me.

"Sarah....I remember the reasons for both those things.....I remember....Phil and I fought first for your love and in the end you chose me over him, that's why he did all he did, because he couldn't stand that you didnt choose him....." he takes a break letting what he said sink into me

He leans in so we are eye level as he's taller than me by abit,

"Jack...." I start but he interrupts me

"No, let me finish.....Sarah, I love you, and I know that everythings just dieing down, and Martha just got home so you must have alot going on right now, so I dont expect you to sya it back or for us to get together right now, but.....I couldn't just sit on it, I had to tell you how I truely feel and maybe when life become back to normal for everyone, we can be together....that's.....if you still love me...." he finishes

I'm honestly, at a loss for words....he loves me still, after everything that happened, he still loves me.....

"Jack....alot has happened sense then, but need you to know that I never felt and once of anything but pure hatred for Phil when we were dating okay? Nothing, zilch.....YOU are the only man I ever loved...yes theres still alot happening right now, but theres no need to wait, we've waited long enough, I love you Jack and theres nothing that'll ever change that." I tell him

We both smile big, before he pulls me in for kiss.
As we pull apart,  we lean our foreheads against eachother smiling again, before he pulls me in for a hug.

I see my sister in the back deck doorframe smiling at me with a thumbs up, be fore she walks away.

I can't wait, to see what come next for us.

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