CHAPTER 38:- Going Back

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Dale's prov.

I was sent to follow Sarah around which is more Intriguing than I thought it would be.
I was parked down the road when she left drove off.
"Where the hell is she going?" I say to myself in the car as I slowly drive behind her.
She stops at a park but than gets a phone call from someone and she rushes back into car and drove off again.
I think she realizes 'someone' is following her or she got suspicious because she starts taking a wack load of crazy back roads sharp turns switching lanes on the highway, I'm trying to keep up to her but her little Honda is faster than it looks, guess she can be a bit of a speed demon, haha.
I zoom up next to the delivery truck she pulled in front of but when I got there she was gone!
I slam my fist down hard on the dashboard,
How the hell could I have missed her! Where did she turn off the road? I didn't even see her leave!.
I turn down exit 16 and onto a dirt road enough to see the highway but out of sight from people driving and wait.
After what felt like days I see her little red Honda with dull black color trimming the base.
I pull out quick but not to quick and follow her staying right behind her never letting her car out of my sight.
She goes down highway 333 West and it was pretty much completely deserted today...perfect.
I grin at this new advantage for me, now she can't hide, and can't leave because there are barely any turn offs.
I speed up so I'm litterly right on her tail, she notices and speeds up abit, I do the same just enough to tap her back bumper.
I see her car body shift some and her shocked expression in the mirror making me grin more.
I get a call so I put it on speaker phone connected to my BMW voice control system.
"Hello?" I ask
"Where are you?" Phil said
"I'm on Highway 333 East, following Sarah for you like you asked" I tell him with a almost duh tone.
"Why did she turn up Prospect Rd? There's nothing of meaning to her up there...." he questioned
"I feel like she knows I'm following her and that's why...but I don't think she knows it's me" I say quick.
I know he's going to get mad, honestly I wish I never got dragged into being associated with him.
He takes things way to seriously, everything has to be his way, his rules.
I can't back out now though, I've gone in to deep with him...he knows too much and has too much on me for blackmail.
I hope he doesn't go down for any of the crimes he's committed lately, because with some......if he goes down, I go down with him.
"She knows......why didn't you back off when she started getting suspicious!?" He growled
Yup, he's angry.
"Because you said to follow her no matter what." I state
"We'll continue this later. Keep your eye on her, Don't let her know it's you, or that I'm the one behind it, and let me know where she goes" and with that....he hung up.
Getting back and reporting to him will be just great....I LOST HER FOR AN HOUR!
I'll have to come up with some type of excuse...a good one.

Now I can focus on her, where the hell is she going though....unless she's doing the loop...dear lord, sooner or later one of us is going to run out of gas and be stranded 25min drive away from a gas station.
If it comes to that, I hope it's her that gets stranded out in the middle of nowhere.
By now we are down in East Dover and I keep getting close enough to almost hit her bumper again but she speeds up abit at the last second.

Finally! She pulls in a drive way,
I drive past the driveway abit than turn around parking my car just out of her sight.

What the hell is she doing here? Who dose she even know in East Dover??

As I watch her I decide to update Phil on our where abouts.
After we are done, I noticed she got out of her car and is taking to a middle aged women with black short choppy hair with a pink streak in it, some blue jeans a black cardigan and black shirt.
They talked for a while before they walked into the woman's house.
I decided to follow them just in case she tries to escape somehow.
I make it to the front door where they went in and put my ear against it to listen in.

Sarah: "do you know anything at all?"

Woman: "I'm sorry dear, but I haven't heard much from your parents since she was taken, till when you went missing... how did you even find out about me?"

Sarah: "That's fair...i guess they were very counseled after the incident...and I have my ways."

Woman: " what exactly is it you need my help with?"

Sarah: "I know you are really good with technology... and I - I feel bad for asking this out of the blue...but I need you to hack into some security camera for me"

Woman: " security cameras?? Why? Where?"

Sarah: " Aunt Saundra, I can't explain why...its for my family...its about...her..."

The woman...Saundra, gasped "okay, very well, anything for her, for you, for family"

Sarah: " thank you so much Saundra, here's my number, call me if you find out anything...but never mention any names, I have to go but I'll be in touch"

Saundra: "be safe my child! We'll talk soon"

I hear footsteps nearing the door and so I ran to my car and got in as Sarah came outside to hers.
She started driving and eventual we made it back to town....back to her house.
Well...guess my job here's done....time to go report to Phil I guess.

Sarah's prov.

After my talk with my Aunt Saundra, and the car chase/follower, I went up to my room and lied down on my bed and thought about all of what happened today.

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