CHAPTER:15-Fight To Escape

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Sarah explaining

I knew I was in for a treat when Phil started to stomp towards me flaming red with hands in fists and a determined look. Just as he was a few steps away from me, he stopped, "you better Watch your mouth Sarah" he said his voice brittle "you told me that if I went with you, you would leave them alone! I should have known you wouldn't follow through with your word" I said fearlessly but once again, just a finished he said "that was before your friends got in our way" then I seen his hand raise and he slapped me across the face, then grabbed me by my throat "I said watch you mouth, you ungrateful piece of-" he got cut off as he was punched by Jack so hard that swung over to his right which forced him to through me into the car. I hit it with a bang knocking the wind out of me and slid down the side, a little in-dent was left on the backseat door where I hit. My friends not missing a second ran over to me helping me up back to my feet, I could barley stand for my legs felt so weak. Jack didn't come over to help instead he kept hitting Phil and Will ran over to help him, Jack told him he had it and to go back and help me so Will went back to us and left jack alone to fight. After a few punches and pushing they where on the ground. For a bit Jack had the upper hand, until he heard me grunt in pain and looked back, that's when Phil swacked him as hard, when he turned his head back. Jack rolled off onto his side, Phil quickly got up on him throwing left & right hits, kneeing him in the ribs, elbows dug in. I wanted to help him so much but I knew I couldn't, I wasn't at my full strength, I could barely hold myself up alone even though i was feeling a bit better, but I knew that if one of us didn't do something to help him, who Knows what could've happened to him-to them. "Will" I said "i know he told you not to, but please he needs help" he looked at me an said "okay, guys get her somewhere safe" then he took a deep breath "wish me luck" he said as he ran off to help we all said good luck to him then we did as Will told us and Jill, May, John & I ran the other way to find a safe spot to be somewhere sort of close by.


Will ran over to Jack and Phil. Once he was about a quarter way to them he jumped in the air and towards Phil-he reached them wrapped his arms around Phil and tackled him to the ground, holding him down waiting for Jack to come and finish this once an for all, but Jack wasn't coming, it was a good thing that will was strong and tough because if he wasn't, he would be done. "Jack!" Will yelled "common I need your help!" Jack slowly got up from the ground to go help will. As Jack turned and faced them he snapped out of the pain gaze and ran to help, once jack reached them he bent down quickly grabbed Phil around his ribs and yanked him off of Will and through him backwards. Jack quickly bent down by Will "Will are you okay?" "Ya-just peachy" he replied "common lets go before he gets up" Jack said reaching out a hand, Will took Jacks hand and he pulled him up "common lets go" they both helped each other out while they were Hobbling away. But then they heard grunting and when they turned they seen Phil starting to get up but jack let go of will walked right over to Phil and said "it's over Phil, just leave it, and us, alone" then kicked him hard in the gut. Jack then turned and walked back grabbing a Wills arm and went looking for the spot where everyone else was hiding


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