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Sarah's mom Wendy called up Patty-Mays mom "Hello, is Sarah at your house?" "No, no ones here I thought they went to your house for the night?..." Patty replied "no, an she's still not home... Where are they,.. they should be back by now...I'm going to try some of the others can u do the same an some family members to please" Wendy said an asked concerned then they called up Angela- Jacks mom ,Brady-John's dad, Lisa-, Jill's mom, and Jensyn- Wills mom, all about the same thing, about were there kids are.
Wemdy called the Neighbours asking if they saw any sign of any of them, All of them said (no)...
where were they?, they have been gone for a night and half a day?.
The parents all met up at Wendy's an Sarah's house and all thought of ways that could help bring their children home safe. The problem is was that every idea they had they to know a close location as possible an pictures and details, they had it all but the location, surprisingly about a half hour through it patty came up with the idea of calling in the Top Police Department, the RST. They all agreed so Wendy called them up "hello,  Regional State police, how may I help you?" A lady said "hi this is Wendy mickdonald, my daughter and her friends went out the other night and said they would be back by morning it's been a day later and we haven't heard anything from them, none of the parents or neighbours have either" Wendy told her in a rush, "okay, im going to tramsfer your call over to the captian, and you can tell him everything" the Lady told them. Wendy waited on the phone trying to stay calm but was panicking on the inside..."hello, Captain Cater, whats you emergency?"
"Hello, sir. My names We-Wendy Mickdonald, and......" Wendy told the Captain everything she knew...."you did the right thing by calling us ms. Mickdonald, we'll have a team there in 15 minuets" the Captain said then hung up the phone.
The parents waited for what felt like forever until they showed up the police asked a bunch of questions to all the parents like
(what's their name? How old are they? Do u have any recent pictures of them? What are their names? Do they have a special places they used to go to when they where younger? Ect.) they answered every question without hesitation, except one, they had to think back to when they where younger and nobody could think of any thing. "Oh wait! I know! We moved here from our old place when sarah was about 12 years old, Sarah had this place she went to when she needed to be alone, they might be there, or the park down that way, but I'm not sure" Wendy implied, "where is this at Ms.mickdonald" the officer asked "down on Burch Rd. Avenue our house number was 3938" Wendy replied "ok thank you we will call you as soon as we hear anything" the officer stated as he walked out the door.
After the cops left, The parents sat there all together worrying and wondering where the kids where. they all thought of where there kids always liked to go as they grew up, (the parks, the beaches, trails, houses, school friends homes, tree houses, little shacks or hideouts) they came up with a few and decided that if they didn't hear anything from the cops in 2 hours, (sense it only takes them about 25-30 minuets drive away) it would give them enough time to look around, if not then they themselves would split up and look in multiple places to cover more ground.
Afew minuets past and still nothing the parents where starting to worry and wanted to do some thing to help. "Wendy you stay here incase the cops call" Patty said "I'll look at the parks" Angela stated "I'll go to all the beaches" Patty exclaimed "I'll look out for any high hideouts" Brady said "I'll search for the low ones" Jensyn said "and I'll go see if I can find anyone on the roads that might've seen them that's their age or in general" Lisa said "ok...good luck guys and be careful" Wendy called out "we will and same to you" they all said as they walked out the door and hopped in their cars, within 2 minuets they were all gone off looking. Wendy sat there in the living room all alone listening for any sings of foot steps or cars or phones and/or even voices, the silence was thick in the air, all the thoughts of what could happen to them came flooding back to her mind and a few tears fell down her cheeks "no, I can't allow myself to think such things, always have hope" she kept reminded herself, "like momma always said whenever times seem most dark, there's always brightness to come" she said to herself, she felt for if she talked things felt better, slowly but the thought of her only child being out there and all the dangers she could not shake. She got distracted from her thoughts when she heard a phone ring, she quickly picked it up an brought it to her ear "hello" she said quick "hello miss, this is officer Cater If you don't mind me asking what shirt was your daughter wearing the night she an her friends left?" He asked "aaa... It was a medium sleeved medium shade blue plaid shit and some light acid wash jeans, ummm her shoes white with pink checks on the sides with pink laces and I think that's it, why officer?" She stated an asked "because we may have just found a piece of your daughters top's hard to tell" he told her "why? how is it hard to tell?" She asked panicked "because it's darker then what you explained" he said as he held up a flash light "oh ok... Well ma-" she was cut off when the officer did a slight semi silent gasp "what! what is it!?" Wendy asked quick in a panic "now miss, we mustn't panic but it was found down town, and was ripped off... To stop something from bleeding, " he stated "WHAT!? BLOOD! DOWN TOWN !? WHERE? IM COMING, WHERE ARE YOU AT!" She yelled worried "now miss, we will let you know everything when we know for sure" he said as calmly as possible. After that phone call Wendy was a mess she started to think the worst and couldn't stop she called the neighbours and told them the news they took it as a shock as well and searched much faster but much more thoroughly. After afew hours it was about 1:00AM in the morning, they where out there looking for about 10 hours and came up with nothing but a little pocket change purse that looked identical to Jillian's, all the parents went back to Wendy's house and stayed there with her for the rest of the night.

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