CHAPTER: 32- Eavesdropping...

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John's Prov.

I ran out of the hospital feeling frantic! I tried my best to hide it from Jack but I don't think I did to good of a job.
After that phone call can you blame me? I can't stop thinking of all the possibilities of what could've happened...or is happening...
Is she okay? What did Phil do to her? She never should've made that deal with him. Look where it's gotten her? Is he beating her?? If so how long has it been going on? Is that why she hasn't been around a lot? How didn't the girls notice when they were with her?? God please help her.

I reached Sarah's house and knocked on her door.
Soon her mother answers, "Hi Jhon, how may I help you?" She asks with a smile
"Hi Wendy, I was wondering if Sarah was here??" I ask, she pauses for a moment with a debating look on her face,
Finally she says "I think she's at Phil's house, she's always with him...why dear? Is everything okay?" She sounded a bit angry at first then worried as she finished her sentence....
"okay thank you, do you know where he lives? And yea everything's fine, just something big happened and I wanted to tell her in person before she found out a different way" I say trying my best to sounds happy and excited,
I think it worked because she gave me his address and then we said our good byes and I was off.

I arrived outside of Phil's House and stood there examining the house. I see two silhouettes one of a girl and one of a guy.
"I think that's them.....but how to get there to them..." I say to myself... then... I see it.
I walk over to a big tree that's remotely close to a balcony by the window their at and I start to climb it, yes, just like in the movie High School little cousin Grace watches it way to much.
I reach an outstretched branch and crawl along it till I'm close enough to the balcony and quietly jump in it.

I walk to the edge of it and lean closer towards the window and listen in the best I can.
I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but I'm worried about Sarah and want to know what's all going on and what that phone call was all about.

"I love it and hate it when we're together....I hate it because you always make me have to do this to you...but I love it for every other reason" the man whom I'm assuming is Phil said,
there was a pause then he yelled, "now get out! Hopefuly next time will be better." He said and I then saw him grab Sarah's arm and haul her towards a door then a thump....I'm guessing they left his room....Oh crap that means she's leaving... crap I can't let them see me.... I crouch down on the balcony and stay as scilent as possible.

I see Sarah walking down the steps and is she limping? And holding her arm....what happened in there??
I was about to go back in the tree and leave when I heard a door slam near me and look in his window... he's back in, but there's another man with him... I wonder who it is?

"Urhg!" he shouted and punched the wall "why can't she just learn to behave!"
"Son, you must try to keep control of your rage" the man trys to reason with him
"Gramps, it's hard not to when I know that all she wants is her friends, family and Jack." He says Jacks name with disgust
"give her time son, and show her that you can have a soft side" his...umm I guess Grandfather said.

I highly doubt that he has a soft side of any kind haha.

"I told her I loved her..." Phil admitted and my jaw litterly dropped and silence came from the room.

If he thinks he loves her....he has a sick made up version of what love is and needs some MAJOR help.

"Phil.....don't get to close to her...." His grand father said
"why not? I thought you liked her?" He asks
"I do" 'Gramps' said plainly,
"then why don't you want me to get close to her!?" He asks
"Because it could ruin everything! That's why!" His grandfather shouted losing his last nerve,
"No. Don't you dare repeat history." Phil said sternly like a warning, I wonder what he means by that...I get out my phone and check for any messages , one from Sarah...

Sarah- hi John :) my mom told me you were looking for me?

John- hey yea :) I need to talk to you about something :)

Sarah- okay sure! When and where do you want to meet?

John- ummm by Carlos Hut, after dinner? So around 7?

Sarah- okay sounds good, see you then :)

As we were texting I was still listening in on Phil and his Grandfather....I didn't hear much of it but as soon as I was done texting Sarah I put on a recording.

"Don't you use that tone on me young man" his Grandfather said sternly acting almost like a father figure,
"Gramps. It's hard enough keeping what you originally did from her. Let. It. Go." Phil told him.
I heard a sigh "look son, I'm trying to keep my patients here, she has always been the one. Her sister was supposed to be for leverage to get her instead" his Grandfather told him almost reassuringly.
"Really? Leverage? It didn't sound like leverage up in my room hearing her screams from the basement!" Phil shouted "it was the only way to get her to shut up! If she kept hollering the cops would've found her." He said to him
"so it's okay for you to beat on Martha but it's a sin to you when I hit Sarah!?"  Phil shouted angry, surprised/shocked.

As for me....WHAT THE HELL!? he hits Sarah? Sarah has a sister? Why have we never seen her before? Or even heard of her? Where is she? Are they making this up? Screams? Frig, I need answers.
"Yes it is! As much as I love you and want you and me to be close and you to be like me, I don't want you to be getting in to bad habits of abusing things" Gramps said
"f*** this, I'm done." Phil said
"Philip Miguel! Come back here now!" His grandfather shouted after Phil as I heard the door slam.

Holy sh**.... I need to talk to Sarah, and 7:00 could not come any sooner.

I turn off my recorder and climb back onto the tree branches and quietly climb down. I run into the woods behind his house and come out the neighbours yard and start to run back to Sarah's House.

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