CHAPTER:3 The Run In

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Sarah explaining

The drive there was quiet and long, it seemed like it took us for hours and the guy told us to keep our money, that we might need it for something. He seemed nice and all but also I was sceptical of him for some odd reason I don't quiet know why though.

So we got out and as we looked up the long dark driveway we already started to get goosebumps, I gulped and started to walk towards the old house, my friends behind me started to follow slowly.
The house looked old with it's paint peeling off shingles lifting bricks out of place holes in the outside walls mossy vines starting to grow up alongside the house.
We made it up the long drive way and walked up to the door, we knocked 3 times, and then a some girl opened the door

"hey I'm Angelica, welcome" she said with a huge smile.

I looked at my friends then we all walked inside, the door slammed shut behind us as a bunch of teens came through flying down the stairs.  There were so many people there that there was barley any room to move, everyone was at most shoulder to shoulder.
all of us were still in our own little group when all of the sudden, a crowd came running from what looked like the dinning room and swacked into me yanking me away from our little group. Then I swacked into some person that came out of no where, he looked so familiar like I knew him from some where, like he was a person I used to be close with, but I couldn't place it.

"Sarah? Sarah Amberly is that really you?" He asked-his voice was so deep, he had short black hair like a shag, bright green eyes.
"I'm so sorry for hitting you, I didn't mean to, I-I got pushed by some people" I told him
"oh my god, it is you..." he said shocked, then he reached out and hugged me tightly.
I could feel his energy an excitement, I didn't really know what to do so I hugged him back, the we let go.

"oh my god, it's been tooo long, I'm so sorry for running out on you like I did, I was in a lot of trouble and I didn't want you an your family getting hurt, I tried to find you guys again, but you weren't there I looked everywhere I could think of but you guys were gone, I thought I lost you forever" he said.
Yes, it was coming back to me, he was my boyfriend, we broke up after I found out what kind of guy he really was...I never understood why till now, but I do wonder what he got into that was so dangerous.

"How long have you been around this area for Phill?" I asked him

"about a year, I never took you for a city girl though," he said,

"well that could be because I'm not, I like never come to town, I'm a country girl, middle of nowhere compared to here" I told him, he smiled and took my hand,

"I figured so, common lets sit catch up" he suggested as he tugged lightly on my arm To follow.

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