Chapter: 43 - Police? Please.

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Sarah prov.

It's been ages days and my Aunt Sandra finally sent me some security footage that I've been going over myself after had sending it to Derek.

From the date Martha was taken, to today of Phil's Gradnfathers house and mine.

I see n a man in all black, no skin showing come to the house that dreadful night and slip in through the window of the living room....
I fast forward and seen him leave with Martha through the same window and into a van.

I fast forward to the discovery of her missing, but dont see anything off.
I switch tapes to Phil's Grandfathers house.
I see a van leaving and fast forward an hour. The van returns and the man in all black appear walking around back with a limp body tossed over his shoulder.

I try to zoom in but it gets very pixelated...I continue to watch till they enter the house and l through the bay window I see the man opening at door and descending.

I fast forward and see him come back up and move into the living room. I check the time code on it and see he was gone for a 2 and a half hours.

I fast forward and see him periodically goes through thet door and stay down for 2 and a half hours each time.

Finally I see a little boy? In the yard playing, hes around 12...must be phil, it was around that age when he moved in with his grandfather.
I see the door  open and an older man came to him, pat his should and say a few words before turning around and heading back in. That was definitely his grandfather.

I fast forward and continue watching bits and pieces stopping to watch Martha's rescue go down, till today's recently where the only activity is me coming and going and John walking out back in his attempt to help.

I hear my phone ringing and answer it without look at the caller ID.

D: hello? Sarah?

S: hello? Derek? Yes, it's me, Sarah...

D: so, I gave the recording to mynoatner and the chief,....they looked it over and are getting a plan together to take action in getting your sister back!

S: oh my gosh that's so amazing! Do they know when they will be ready and head over to get her?

D:not yet, but it will be soon...

S: okay keep me posted!

D: Sarah...theres something you should know...

D:what is it ? Derek? Is she okay? What's wrong?

D: we came across few things when going over the surveillance tapes you got a hold of....oone qjas you entering phils house fine and leaving hurt many times....i-

S: you didnt tell them Phil was being abusive did you?

D:......I could lie, they asked why and I had to tell them....Phil will be prosecuted for domestic violence against you still have any bruises from him?

S: $hit....okay....ha- Derek, I always have at least one handprint somewheres...they are just covered with makeup so no one notices.

D: f**k, okay we'll get you out soon, I promise.

S: dont worry, its nothing i cant handle now...

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