CHAPTER:8- The Search For Sarah

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A while passed and John, May, Will, an Jill still stood there waiting for Jack an I to return.
May was starting to worry more an more with each passing minute. Finally she spoke up "guys I think we should go looking for them"

"but what if they come back once we leave, that's always what happens" Will responded

"ok then Jill stays here I go upstairs and you go down stairs, and John you look around this floor, sound good" May suggested

"alright let's go then, but hurry" Jill told them.

Off they went Will looking downstairs and May looking upstairs, and John main level.
The crowd of the party was manoeuvring 24/7 it was so hard to see individuals with everyone shoulder to shoulder glasses in hand stumbling around like drunks.
As Will practically ran down the stairs almost tripping more then once running into people as he went.

Once Will reached the bottom of the steps the air was cold and it was a huge basement,
"SARAH!" He yelled rubbing his arms and blowing in his hands trying to get warm,
he looked high an low through every door he could spot and nothing appeared. It was darker downstairs then anywhere else in the house to.

He found one last door and it was dark with a chain as a light switch. He turned the light on and seen boxes on boxes pilled up half way to the ceiling every box had a different name (keep sakes, valuables, clothes, toys, electronics, movies, tools, etc.) he opened some of the boxes up and all the names seemed to match what was in the boxes, except for one. That one, was tools instead of (hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, etc.) there was guns, knives, bombs, bullets, swords, bows, arrows, ect.
Will closed the boxes up and slowly backed up, he turned the light off an left the room, closed door and went back up stairs to meet up with Jill.

"Will, did you find her!" She yelled

"no!" He shouted back

"where's May?" He asked " still looking I think." She replied.                  

John was running and squeezing between the bodies of the drunken people trying to find Sarah.
He checked the kitchen, the living room, the colsets, called her name multiple times but only earend strange looks from the massive crowed of bodies.
He was just about to turn another coner when a guy stepped in front of him, making John bang into the guy. the guy turned and looked at John,

"eh, sorry there man" he said

"don't worry about it, but i gotta go" John told the guy an was about to run past him but the guys grabbed his arm

"what?" John snapped at the dude,

"you seem stressed eh" he pauses and looks around the pulls open his leather jacket.

it has little mini zip-lock bags quarter full of white powders, small size bags with 3 little pills, and a vape all clipped to the inside of it,

"why not take one, calm ya down a bit" he offered

" yea, no thanks" John tells him then runs off before the guy can stop him again.

Johns finished the main level and had came back to were Will and Jill are, "anything guys?' he asked

"nope nothing" they say sadly,

"damn, do you think we should go check upstairs with May?" Will suggested

"i dont know, lets wait abit" Jill said and thats wait they did.                          

May ran room through room hall down hall twisting and turning, until she to reached a dead end, she opened the the door and ran in, the room was dimly lit, stuffy, an small.

When she ran in, she seen someone facing the back wall in a 'getting ready (bouncing) position' .

"Sarah?" She asked quietly.

Sarah turned her head and raised her index finger to her mouth
"shhhh" she whispered.

She gestured slightly for May to come over. May slowly and quietly crept over to her,

"whats wrong?" she asked Sarah,

Sarah looked over at the closet and May followed her stare an she to saw the shadow

"I need you to go get Jack, Jill an Will I might need some backup, an hurry" she told May quietly,

she nodded an said "I'll be back soon" and an left the room to go get the others.

May runs down stairs to get everyone, as she makes her way down to the main level within a few minuets but still almost out of breath.

"May! what happened? did you find her?" Will asked

"yes...i did...upstairs...woooaa!... dead end on... the left" she says out of breath
"then what are we waiting for let's go!" Jill said
her, Will, Jack and John ran up the stairs, May took a deep breath then followed them upstairs and into the room.

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