Chapter 42: Back at Carlo's Hut

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John's prov.

We all watched as Sarah leave, but only I seemed to notice the text she got before she hopped on her bike.

Whatever it was it wasnt good.

I look down towards the ground, I knew if I watched her leave for Phil's place I wouldn't be able to stop myself from not letting her leave....

"John? What's the matter?" May asks

"The usual..." I say plainly as they dont need to know that Phil is still beating Sarah regularly....
They would tell authorities and ruin the whole plan accidentally.

"Why ahh....why did it seem like it's been forever since you guys saw her too?" Jack asks the girls

"Because she never comes around....guess shes putting her boyfriend before her friends..." jill says snarky

"Jill." I chastise her

"What? Not like it's not the truth or anything! We all came home and shes been spending all her time with the man that tried to kill us all!" Will defends her

"So she just ..never comes around anymore?" Jack asked

"Pretty much....she rarely even came to the hospital visits to you" May says sadly

"She, didnt come to see me when I was in hospital?" He asks in disbelief

I stayed silent as I couldn't risk saying something that might get over heard by one of Phil's people....

May Will and Jill all shook their heads

Jack's face fell and I could tell he was hurt by the news.

I changed the subject and we got back to talking about a bunch of random miscellaneous things.

After a while it was getting late and you could tell jack was pretty drained from all the news and being just released.

"Well guys, I hate to end this, but I'm tired, guess I need abit more rest haha, I'll see you guys soon" jack said and started to walk home.

There I sat, with Will, May and Jill....guess I should ask them about the mall trip.

"Hey girls..." I start

The three of them look to me

"Whats up Jhon?" May asks

"Well....when you guys where at the mall.... did Sarah seem different to you? Like she was hiding something?" I ask them

They look to eachother then back to me,

"Well...she left abruptly but said it was a grounding curfew...we thought that maybe after all that had happened, we would be closer then we were before, but seems as if she's a friend we knew for a few months, she seemed so distant yet so involved that it's confusing..." Jill started

"Yeah, she wouldn't try anything on, like usually we have mini fashion shows in the stores, but she kept refusing to change her outfit, and the only things she bought was movies, perfume, high boots, 2 movies and abit of makeup which is weird because she never used to wear make up......I dont get it" May finshed

"Why?" Will asked me

I sit there taking it in... that was before I knew anything...if Phil's been beating her for awhile....buying of make up is probably to cover the bruises...but not trying on clothes? Unless she had bruises that weren't covered by makeup but her clothes instead....

"Jhon? Why" Jill asks this time

"You know something we don6t jhon?" Will asks

"Just because she seemed off tonight....was wondering if it was because jack was here or if she was the same way when she was with you guys..." I say as a cover

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