Chapter 49: Soon

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Sarah's prov.

I see Derek get up to leave but theres one last question itching at me.

"What about Martha? ...... can, can she come home now too?" I ask

My parents gasp and look back and forth between us.

I know they dont know about her, but I couldn't wait to ask him.

He sighed,
"I will be in contact with the secret service agents taking care of her, and tell them everything. But I dont think they'll allow her to come back till those two are locked up in jail for good....,so it may be a few weeks still" he explains

I nodded,
"very well....keep in touch, please let me know what they say" I request

"Of course dear, see you soon" he says and exits.

I turn to my parents who look a range of mixed emotions right now.

I lay back, feeling drained and wince at the pain of the pressure.

"Careful honey, your covered in brusises..." my mom says

I nod,
"I'm so sorry I didnt tell you guys.....but if I did it would've risked everything and could've blown the whole mission" i say

"We know now, and Your okay now dear, that's all that matters" my mom says

"But you don't know....not everything. It's a long story one I'll tell soon, but first I have to call Jhon and the others, make sure they got to the safe house okay." I say

My parents nod at me, trying to be understanding.
I look to the bedside table and see my phone lying there face down, I grab it and dial Jhon's number quickly.

S: hello? Jhon?

J: Sarah!? so glad to hear from you, are you okay? What happened?

S: it's good to hear from you too, uh mm, well after I called you I called Derek and he traced the call and rescued Patricia and I....Phil and his Grandfather are in holding, could be a few weeks before they are permanently behind bars.....did you all make it to the safe house/bunker?

J: rescued? How bad was it Sarah? Yes, yes, we made it, we're all safe.

S: good...I'll need you guys to stay there till Phil and his grandfather are put away for good, okay? I'll call you when it's safe to come back.

J: okay, but bad was it, where are you know?

S: ....Jhon, it wasn't good, they found me as I blacked out from a blow to the head, I'm covered in bruises an am in hospital now, but should be out soon, don't worry I'll be okay

J: jeez Sarah.... Please be careful, Phil still has friends on the outside he can contact till he's put away

S: I will, we'll talk soon, bye for now

J: bye for now.

I hung up the phone call and look to my parents.

"I cant tell you everything yet, after Phil and John are locked up for good and the secret service agrees, than I can....till then I can tell you how I know Derek and briefly one reason why I put up with Phil's abuse..." I say looking at my lap

"Why can't you tell us the full story honey?" Dsd asks

"Trust her dear, she'll tell us when the times right" mom reasons
I smile at her.

"The day before we all showed up, Phil had beaten Jack up enough to hospitalize him, the only reason he stopped was because of an ultimatum he gave me....he would leave my friends and our families alone for good if I were to be with him, if I refused he would kill all of you and leave me alive, knowing I could've stopped it, so I agreed" I explain part of the story

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