Chapter 45 - Please help...

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Sarah's prov.

"You little brat! Who where you talking to!?" John yells at me

"Patricia? The only other person in here?" I manslpain to him


My head flys to the right from the impact and my hand instinctively holds my cheek trying to stop the burning feeling.

"Dont get smart with come she wasnt responding then?" He asks smugly as if he caught my lie

"Due to you rarely feeding and hydrating her, it's hard for her to talk, so I was spitballing words to calm myself down" I explain

He looks at me for abit as if trying to figure me out if I was telling the truth or not.
"Is this true" he asks Patricia

We both look to her,
Him with his malicious glare and me with pleading eyes

She nods fast, clearly not wanting a slap like he gave me...

"And just what were you spitballing?" He asks me

"Oh you know, this, that...pep talks that we'll be alright in here"  I say sweetly

" that what you think? That your gonna be alright?" He asks,


He takes his phone out of his pocket and smiles wickedly

"Why wouldn't we be?" I say

"Oh she will be...but you, not so much...see I put put a ransom for to spare your life under a fake name so it can't be traced back to me...who ever pays first, gets you" he says

I gasp "why?" I ask shocked

"It wasn't always the plan, but you fit the standard requirements for selling and/or randsom so why not, and this way, I can finally head into retirement"

I huff and stand up so I'm facing him, his smile turns into a scowl.

"What makes you think your plans so bullet proof huh? What will you tell Phil? If he finds out he'll hate you and leave" I inform him

"Why are you standing." He grits

I step closer so I'm in his face
"Because I can. And your avoiding the question...." I hear a door open and close
"PHIL! HELP IM LOCKED IN THE BASEM-" I yell for whoever just walked in but was interrupted by a punch to the face

"aaurhg!" I noise as i stumble back afew steps

"You brat....leave phil out of this!" he grunt shouts and punches my gut,
I double over and he uppercuts me, sending me lying on my butt with a thump and a groan.

Suddenly theres footsteps coming down the stairs and into the room

"Gramps? What are you doing down here?" Phil asks
John turns around blocking the veiw of my body from Phil.

"Phil, son....I thought you'd be out all day" he says

"Eh, the boys had to bail on the job so we got let go early" Phil shrugs

"Your not hurting her again are you?" He asks sadly pointing toward Patricia

He knew about her!?

"No, no son, shes just a loose end I have to keep tabs on" john answered

"Gramps! How could you Still have Martha after all this time!? That's not leverage games, that kidnapping and keeping hostage, you have to let her go..." he tried convincing his grandfather

"Phil, this....Martha's been gone for some time now....she was taken away by protective services....this, her here, is Patricia the baby sitter from the night I originally took them" he explains

Phil's just stands there....
"I-i thought I heard yelling, the voices sounded so familiar..." he questioned

"I'm not sure son...why not go upstairs and get some rest?" John suggests

Phil nodded and went to turn away, but I'm not missing my chance.

"Ph-Phil!" I stutter shout

He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned back around with a glare.

"Sarah?" He called

"Phil....p-plesse, help" I say

"Where in here is she!?" He yells at his grandfather

"Shes being taken care of. Go rest."
He says vaguely

Phil huffs then pushes past his grandfather and sees me lying on the floor...

"Sarah!? What happened? How did you get down here?" He asks me

"I got a text from you saying to come over and when I came it was just your grandfather and he forced me down here and I met Partrica, we were talking when he came in and started at me..." I say

"Sarah...I'm so sorry, I'll get you out of here...but first, stop lying. My Gramps would never just hit someone, there had to be a reason" he says gripping my arm

"He asked why i was standing, I answer and he hit me..." I reason


"Tell the truth Sarah!" Phil yelled

"I did! I told him because i can and he hit me!" I defended

" me." He gritted


He let me go and stood up,

*kick*  *kick* in the stomach

"You can deal with her Gramps" he says

"Thank you son, and...I'm sorry for what its worth"  John spoke

Phil nodded and left the room.

"Time to finish you off" he says as he approaches me.

He starts kicking me all over my body.

"Hey! What the hell!" I hear a muffled shouting far away and a few banging, thankfully John didnt notice anything as he was too busy beating me...

I look over and see Patricia crying looking empathetic towards me, I look to her sweater and see she still has my phone and hasn't hung it up, smart thinking...

Just as I think I hear a grunt and someone shout "down here! Please help!"
I black out from a blow to my head.

Patricia's prov.

As Sarah is talking to the guys on the phone, I'm on watch for John.

Just as it sounds like the phone call was wrapping up, I h ear footsteps come tumblingdown the stairs...

"Sarah!" I try to warn her,
She tosses the phone to me, and  sits down fast, i caught it and shoved it in my sweater shirt....

but it's too late John had seen her standing and taking but not the phone I dont think...

While their distracted I look at the phone and make sure its still on so whoever it is can track the call to the house.

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