CHAPTER:20- Deserted Ally Again

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Wills prov.

We ran and ran until we reached the end of the woods and back into the small old smelly allyway again and in the distance we seen the smashed car we run over to it and to our surprise, Phil and Jack were both gone. (Were'd they go? Did Phil have jack? Is Joack in the woods looking for us? If so where's Phil? How did he escape he was trapped in good an tight) we wondered. We see the front of the cop car peeked out from behind a building, "HEY! HELP! HELO!?" We yell but there's nothing to be heard, we slowly walk towards the car. Just as we're about to come up to the bend we heard heard a crash to our left down a side road we all looked at each other, then to our left " should we check it out?" John asked "ahhh......I don't know guys...." I say as we all continue to walk forward....although turns out forward was towards the noise.
We stop when we came up to an metal green compost bins covered and surrounded by a bunch of other full black garbage bags. We hear another noise and just stare at the piles "common guys, it's probably just a raccoon" Jill said obviously Scared, we could tell....or I could tell aleast just by the tone of her voice. May was about to say something but stopped when she heard a groan, "what the-" May said instead "that was not a raccoon sound" I said. We walked up abit closer and scanned the piles upon piles of bags for anything and there was nothing....? We heard another groan and a "urhgf, as a garbage bag fell we ran over to that spot and tore off the garbage bags and saw a hand....Oh f***... I thought to myself. " that-" I cut off Sarah with a gulp an say "a hand....yup" "well what are we gonna do???" She asked starting to panic "I don't know....what if it's Phil?" Jill said/asked "but what if it's Jack?" May say curious.... "well, either way we can't just leave whoever it is to die, clearly they can't get out by themselves...." Jhon buts in, "true" we all say "lets get em out then" I say taking a deep breath.
We walk over closer to the pile and start moving the garbage bags around clearing a path way where the hand laid. Once about 20 or so bags were moved away from the small area, a face came into view.....Jacks face, to be more exact. "Oh my god! Jack!!" We all yelled, me and John rush over to move some more bags so that we can pull jack out from under the piles. "Jack man, you okay buddy!?" John said, clearly he's not idiot! He can't even stand kneel up!, haaahhh deep breaths Will deep John, but he can seriously be stunned sometimes. "Uuhhhhhgg.....yup-just peachy john pal" Jack replied. "Common guys, let's go before Phil manages to find us again, I have no clue where he could be right now" Jill states "yea, huh, guess it was a good thing we came back through here then eh" Jhon said " yea...guess so, but we really should get going....ahhh how are we gonna work the whole situation with moving Jack??" Sarah asks and we all look at each other, I sight, I guess I could piggyback him" "okay awesome! Now that's that is settled, let's go!" May butted in.

Sarah's prov.

Man, I'm so worried about Jack right now! I mean like, he looks dreadful and in need of some serious help. I'm really glad we came back through this way and found him when we did.
We're on our way back to the hide out for a rest because home is way to far away for us to travel in our previous conditions. I wonder if our parents have found out that we are missing....I lost my bag back in the woods where we ran into the wolves so I'm without my phone, money, and other essentials so I/we have no way of contacting any of our parents,
I just hope we get home soon.
Will and Jhon both have their arms around jack pretty much carrying him as we walk, I think we may have to take shifts haha.
The walk there was long and quiet with us switching between Will and Jhon to Me and May with Jill as a spotter.
We made it to the main road and then into the subdivision of the hide out and now it was probably around 9:30-10:00pm .

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