chapter 44: The Babysitter

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Sarah's prov.

Theres a spotlight in the midde of the room coming through the sky-window.

I stand up and walk towards it so I can see what's around me hopefully.

Once I get there I hear a raspy voice...
" he comes in when your standing, especially in the light he gets really mad"

I look to the direction it came from and can make out the outside of the girl from earlier...

"Why?" I ask

"Never knew, all I know is whenever I would get caught he would beat me till I couldn't stand..."

I gasp at her confession
"That's so cruel..." I say

"Its not the worst thing he could do I guess....he could just paralyze me permanently, or abuse me other ways..." she says

"I guess....have you ever tried escaping?" I ask

"Heavens no....he would have have me not eating anything for a month if I would to try to escape..." she shakes just thinking about it

I'm sure he wont be back for awhile....cime sit with me, let's talk to pass time' I suggest

She hesitated but slowly crawled over to me.

"Hi" I say

"Auh....hi" she replied

"Hiw long have you been in here for?" I ask

Afew days after the kidnapping of Martha... he took me because I was a loose end to his plan...though didnt want to kill me and have a murder hes just kept me in here" she explains

I nod, "I did it happen? To you?" I ask

"Well...honestly its abit figgy...i was only 16 at the time but I was making dinner as it would be been my parents anniversary comin a few days and I was to cook for them as a gift "
She smiles
"As I was cooking the stove started smoking than the firealarms went off and as i took the food out of the oven and started fanning the stove....something grabbed me from behind and i was thing I knew I woke up here" she says

"Was...was Martha here when you arrived?" I ask

She smiled,
"Yeah, she was beautiful...I was so glad she was okay...I never wanted any harm to come to was a hard time and I needed the extra cash so I joined forces with John....but after I saw how he kidnapped her, I don't want anything to do with it....I guess he sensed that I would too the cops off so he took me too" she explains

"(*sigh*) I appreciate you trying to tip off the cops for my sister....I'm sorry you ended up in here" I sympathize

She offered a small smile

"How did you end up in here?" She asks

"Well..  long story short, I got a text from Phil's phone and all it said was 'Come Over' and knowing Phil well I knew to come quick for if I didnt who knew how badly he'd hit me... so I came over but his grandfather John answered the door and it turns out that he had sent the text and proceeded to put me in a arm lock and forced me to walk..." I explain

"Phil? His grandson? Why was he messaging you?" She asked genuinely curious

"I'm....kinda dating him right now..." I say shyly

"What!? You have to break up with me...I heard he abuses all his girlfriends....and-and- an-" I inturupet her tangent

"I know...he does abuse me..." I admit

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