Chapter 51: Court Date

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Derek's prov.

It's been about a week now and the court is finally in session.

"Detective Harlow, please present your evidence against the accused" Judge Rouge requested

"Yes your hounor" I gather the recordings and files of paper work and bring it up to the desk.

"This here is a recording taken by one of my witnesses that they turned into me to help with the case, this is the criminal record against Philip Stone Miguel and thus is the case file against Johnson Evans Miguel." I say as I hand them to her .

I walk back to my table as she looks through the files.

She looks a mix of stone faced and disturbed.

"I will now play the recording for everyone to hear" she states

She passes the recorder to one of the guards who then sets it up to the speakers and presses play.

"Don't you use that tone on me young man" John said sternly acting almost like a father figure,

"Gramps. It's hard enough keeping what you originally did from her. Let. It. Go." Phil told him.

a sigh is heard

"look son, I'm trying to keep my patients here, she has always been the one. Her sister was supposed to be for leverage to get her instead" John told him almost reassuringly.

"Really? Leverage? It didn't sound like leverage up in my room hearing her screams from the basement!" Phil shouted

"it was the only way to get her to shut up! If she kept hollering the cops would've found her." He said to him

"so it's okay for you to beat on Martha but it's a sin to you when I hit Sarah!?"  Phil shouted angry, surprised/shocked.

"Yes it is! As much as I love you and want you and me to be close and you to be like me, I don't want you to be getting in to bad habits of abusing things" John said

"f*** this, I'm done." Phil splaid
"Philip Miguel! Come back here now!" His grandfather shouted after Phil as you heard the door slam.

(Recording ended)

"That some pretty incriminating evidence you have yourself Mr. Harlow" Judge Rouge says

I nod in appreciation.

"What's your defense D.A Quinn ?" She asked their lawyer

"I request a minute to discuss with my clients " Quinn asks

"Granted" she replied.

They mumble back and forth for a bit before coming to a conclusion.

"What are we looking at your honor?" Quinn asks

"For John Miguel, life and for Philip Miguel 10 years..." she says

"May a request the courts to make a deal?" Quinn proposes

"You may" Judge rouge says

"If my clients plead guilty, instead of a life sentence he will serve the amount of years he took from Patrica Young and Phil will serve time for the amount of people he's inflicted domestic abuse apon" Quinn finished

"Lets take a short recess to look everything over " Judge Rouge says

Her Gavel slams and we are dismissed for a 15 minute recess.

I look over to the other table and see Phil and his Grandfather are both very heated at D.A Quinn for proposing that deal. As for me, I kind of am too, I know she's just doing her job, but these people wont just stop when they get out...they will seek revenge on the ones who put them in jail.

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