Chapter 41: Reporting to Phil

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Dale's prov.

I make the 10 minuet drive to Phill's house after Sarah got home.

I take my phone out and dial his number.
After 3 rings he picks up.

Phill: Hello

Dale: Hey man, Sarah just pulled in her drive way, I'm almost at yours now.

Phill: Good. I'll meet you in the drive.

Dale: Copy that.

End Call.

I pull into the drive way and see Phil exiting the front door.

I get out, and we greet eachother with a bro hug.

"I suppose you came by to report?" He states firmly.

I gulp subtlety "yes"

"What's the verdict?" He aske

"Well I followed her all the way to East Dover where she had pulled into a driveway and not a late middle aged woman who invited her in the house.
I listened through the door and caught a few things.
The topic was generally about helping with hacking into some security cameras, and random nonsense.
Afterwards I had followed her straight back to her place."

Phil stayed silent for a while, thinking almost.

"Who would she be visiting in East Dover? And why is she needing help with hacking into security cameras?" He asked

"Not sure, could be a summer job requirement?" I suggest

"Hmm....I'll find out." He states, his face becoming grim.

"Anything else?" He asks

"No, that was all" I tell him

He hesitates, "very well, I'll be in touch Dale. Dismissed"

I nod my head and start back to my car. Getting in and driving off.

Once out of sight I let out a huge breath.

Dear God.....I'm glad I was able to work around not telling him I lost track of her for an hour.
I feel like he knew there was something I wasn't telling him, but he let it go thankfully.

Phill's prov

He's lying... or at least not telling the the while truth....

Dale's prov.

Once I pull onto my driveway, I see that my parents are home now, I check the time and see its 1:45am.

"$h!t..." I cuss under my breath as i hit the stirring wheel with th base off my hand.

I shove the car door open harshly and step out of the car.
I start to make my way to the door, as I reach for the handle I hear muffled voices coming from the kitchen.

Guess I'll have to sneak in...

I take a stroll to the back yard and climb up the lattice that's hung against the house.
I grab the window sill of the upstairs bathroom and swing my leg onto the ledge and hoist myself up to stand on the ledge.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs so I quickly grap the roof gutter  and pull myself ontop of the roof.
I make my way to my rooms window and reach down to open it and climb through quietly.
My feet hit the carpet and just as I closed my window with a click, I hear a knock on my door.

"Dale? Sweetie, are you still awake in there?"

I head over and open the door

"Hey ma, yeah just finishing up a computer game, lost track of time sorry" I tell her as my cover story

She smiles sweetly
"Oh honey, you and that computer of yours...always spending so much time on it these days"

"Sorry ma, works been giving me alot to do lately with strict deadlines and 'paperwork' to type up" I lie with an exasperated eyeroll an sigh

"Dont work yourself to hard now honey, dont want to burn the barrel while shes still full now right?" She says

I laugh at her metaphor,  "to right you are ma, goodnight"

"Awe, night sweetie" she says and gives me a hug before she leaves off to her room.

Well that was a close one.

With that taken care of, I get myself ready for bed when I hear shuffling than a light appear from under my door.

"Hello?" I call

No answer

"Who's there?" I ask again

No answer still

The light get bigger until it stops and a piece of folded up paper slides in from under my door.
I watch it suspiously as the light slowly fades and retreats.

I walk over and gingerly picked it up to read what it said.

Dear Dale;
Good to see you made it home safely.
But I know what happened tonight... Meet me at the park at 930pm this Saturday night.
See you there.

$h!t...who wrote this?
Theres only one way out of this... confess to Phil so this crazy person can't have me doing anything from blackmail....

P: hello?

D: hey man, its sale...

P: ahhh, hi  Dale, why the sudden phone call?

D: well...I left something out of my report from this evenings drive...

P: *scoffs* of course, I knew you where hiding something.. what us it?

D: during the drive following her out to East Dover...she took sone turns and cuts on the highway and I had lost her for abit, but found her again and stayed on her a$$ the rest of the time, I swear.

P: long is abit?

D: ....uhmm.... about 1/2 an hour to an hour?

P: Thank you for owning up to your fault...I'll ask around do you know around what time that was?

D: around not furious?

P: oh, I am very mad....but theres nothing i can do about it besides trying to find what she was doing for that hour.

D: fair enough....if I can do anything else, let me know.

P: will soon

D: talk soon Phil.

I end the phone call and get into my bed.
Time to rest  and wait for the ever slowly approaching Saturday.

Phil's prov.

That F**ken prick!
He can't be trusted anymore....time for him to go.
Hes lied to me, and hes failed me to many times.

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