CHAPTER:2 Dales Here

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Sarah explaing

Dale- the jerk of of the streets, all of us hate him for the stuff he dose and did, and he did a terrible thing the one time that was scaring to all of us, especially May. I would rather not say much more about that horrible experience though.
I stepped through my friends and a few feet away from him.

"Dale, been a while don't cha think" I said with attitude

"you better watch your tone with me Sarah" he told me

"No, you better watch it Dale, and leave us all alone, no one wants you here ok so just leave!" I half yelled to him through gritted teeth,

everyone including Dale looked at me surprise that I could have said something like that especially in the way I did to Dale of all be honest, I am to.

"You know what Sarah I don't have time for you little sucky mind games, I have a party to get to" he said abruptly,

"party? What party? Were at?" I asked

"in town, 37 Railroad st.,7:00, why are you guys going hahaha" he said with a laugh

"for a matter of fact, we are going" I said snarky.

My friends all looked at each other then back at me then at Dale then me then him again 3 times in shock at the glares we where exchanging.

"guess i'll be seeing you guys there, unless you chicken out" he said with a grin

"indeed we will see you then, and if any one were to chicken out, it wouldn't be us" I told him saying the last part with sass and looking him up and down all snotty like.

" please Sarah, do I have to remind you what happened last time you tried standing up to me..." he warned, I stayed quiet for a moment, my throat going dry, I was at a loss for words....

"why are you such a damn Ass Dale!?" I said loudly finally finding the words to speak, and the smirk he had wiped right off for a few seconds before it returned....

"me?? An ass?? Sarah, I see you remember," -he took afew steps closer and whispered- "do your friends..."

"Just. leave. us. alone. Dale. You coward " I say and I see anger rise in his eyes,

"Just wait" and with that he turned and stomped off.

I turned back around and seen my friends, eyes wide open, mouths dropped, clearly shocked, I walk up closer to them and told them "common guys we're gonna be fine" of course they obviously weren't as confident as I was, as always.

"I don't know about this anymore guys, Dales gonna be there which means his friends will be to" Jill said worried for us all

"guys common, our first real party, everyone we know will be there, we will be fine, we can do this" I told them

"fine, I guess I'm in.... lets just make a plan to go there, an get back asap" May said.

So we went to our little spot were we always meet and we talked out a plan. Our plan was pretty simple, we will all stick together and if one of us has to go to the washroom or something we will use the buddy system Jack will go with me, Jill & Will, an Jhon and May, no drinking anything, don't take anything from anyone, stay away from anyone who may look even a tad sketchy, and when we leave call a cab, ect.
Finally our plan was all made up-bullet proof, or so we thought.    

We all got up, called a cab, got in and drove off to town, we told him where we were going and he just snickered an told us to be careful around there. We knew to be careful but what we didn't understand, is why he said it the way he did.
I know for the typical party people go home and get all dolled up in their short cocktail dresses, high heels, and loads of Make-up and Parfums, but none of that really took place.
By the time the Cab got to Carlos Hut and the plan was made, and we gave our parents our excuses, it was 6:25 and the parties a half hour drive away.

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