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Sarah's prov.

When I woke up in the morning and got changed, I realized that the slap bruise was more prominent. " am I going to hide this from my parents, I can't keep using the same excuse.....guess I'm gonna have to get some more make-up" I say quietly to myself.
I walked back to my room and picked up my phone,

Me: hey Jill! Want to go shopping today?
Jill: hey Sarah! For sure! We should invite May along to :D
Me: yea definitely! I'll text her now, wanna meet there ?
Jill: okay sounds great! See yas then ;D

Me: hey May! Want to go shopping today with me and Jill?!
May: hey! Yea for sure sounds like a blast!
Me: sweet! Meet at the mall in 5mins :D

I put my phone in my back pocket, put some concealer on to cover the bruise and walked down stairs.
"I'm going out to the Mall with May and Jill be home soon!" I call out "okay honey love you!" They both hollered as I went out the door.
I love my parents so much, they suck at the whole 'grounding' thing it's actualy funny.
The malls about a 15-20 min bike ride at average speed, so I hop on my bike and speed off...mind you, this probably wasn't the best idea due to my stomach bruises but to late now.
I FINALY make it to tell Mall in 10 mins time and see May and Jill standing there.
I walk up to them an say "hey guys how yas been?"
They look over to me looking quiet happy, they then run over and hugged me.
" guys okay??" I ask, they both pull back and look at me
"yea, we just haven't heard from you in a while and honestly were getting abit worried" May confessed,
"sorry bout that guys, been abit... different since we all got back home..." I say
"different how?" Jill asks this time shoot! What am I gonna say, 'yea it's been different because my new boyfriend that I hate is physically abusing me!' With a big smile...ahhh yea no thanks....
"just with the whole grounding thing and getting used to the whole Phil and me" I say, which actually is true.  They just nod
"well , don't worry to much, all will be okay, now....let's go in shall we" May offers
"definitely" me and Jill both say at the same time and laugh at each other.
We spent almost the whole day at the mall just laughing and carrying on like old times, it was so awesome and so much fun! Unfortunately it had to end... because even though I'm allowed grounding is having a time limit.
"Oh wow!" May said as she looked at her watch,
"what?" I ask,
"i cant belive It's 6:20 already!" She says and I stop.
"6:20!?" I ask
"yea...why?" She asked
"my Grounding is having a curfew at 6:30" they frown and give me a hug "see you soon gurl, love ya" they both told me
"love ya guys! See yas soon!" I call and head out of the Mall and start on my way back home.

Jill's prov.

After Sarah left me and May continued on our way through the mall.
We reach the top 3rd floor and see a new store, it's called Carpe Diem. "Hey May! check that store out!" I say "wow! Let's hope check it out!" She replies and we start to head towards it.
When we get there it's so awesome! They have everything Here!,
They have a section of perfumes and make-up, one for little kids toys, sports memorabilia, video games, movies, clothes, snack stuff, and more!
"Holy crap! When did this get here!" May said in awe
"I have no clue but it's awesome! Common let's go check it all out" I say an we both go scour the store.
There was so much stuff! I can't belive it!
Soooooo by the time me and May where done it was 8:30 and close to closing time.
As we drove off we just talked about what's all been new, turns out May has been 'talking' to this guy Steve for the past week and they met when she was at the mall with her other friends Julie and Barbra.
I dropped May off at her place and drove home myself. When I get home I go up to my room and get ready for bed.
It was really good to see and hangout with Sarah and May together again, sucked that Sarah had to leave that early, something seemed a bit off with her though.
I thought that maybe after all that had happened, we would be closer then we were before, but seems as if she's a friend we knew for a few months, she seemed so distant yet so involved that it's confusing...she wouldn't try anything on, like usually we have min fashion shows in the stores, but she kept refusing to change her outfit,  and the only things she bought was movies, perfume, high boots, 2 movies and abit of makeup which is weird because she never used to wear make up......I dont get it, but I'm going to ask her about it next time I see her, I hope everything's okay.

Sarah's prov.

It was so awesome seeing the girls again! I had so much fun and time seemed to fly by so fast!
I bought some more make-up, a perfume, high boots, the movie Tremors and The Notebook.
I was alittle surprised Phil didn't message me at all today, usually he messages every day from morning to night....I wonder if something bad happened to him!....I feel abit to much joy thinking about that haha.
I'm not complaining though, it was good to not think of him at all today, it helped make today feel just like old times, ya know, before all that crap went down.
I arrived home just in time, 6:29...I think that's a new record haha. 
When I walked in I went into the kitchen to get a glass of milk and some more Tylenol to help with my stomach pain from the bruises.
My mom walked in after I put the cup down
"hi sweetie" she smiled
"hi ma, how ya doing?" I ask
"good, how was it at the mall? How's May and Jill doing?" She asked I smiled, I'm so lucky to have a mother like her,
"they are doing good, getting back into their regular daily routine"
"Awwee rhats amazing sweetie, ready for dinner?" She asks
"Yeah definitely!" I smile

We take seat at the dinner table as dad comes in and dishes out supper before sitting himself.

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