Chapter 53: Back to Normal?

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Sarah's prov.

As we slowly work our way down the stairs and I reveal myself I hear gasps coming from the living room ahead but I dont look up.

I dont want to see any pity filled faces, yes, it happened but it's over now and that's what I'm focusing on.

I work my way to the living room, as I enter I decided to look up and I see all of my friends are here!

I smile big,
"hey guys! I'm so glad you made it to and from the safe house alright!"

They all get up and give me a hug one by one before we all take a seat in the living room

"I'm sorry we've been kind of hostile towards you recently....we thought you were honestly trading us in for him" Jill apologizes

I smile,
"Its okay guys, you didn't know the full story, I would've thought the same thing if the roles were reversed" I say

"Why, couldn't you come around nearly ever?" Will asked

"Because every time I would go out I would receive a text reminding me that I was being watched, and to be was risky meeting you all at Carlo's Hut the last time as Phil had Dale watching me from hearing distance.....that's another reason I couldn't see Jack in hospital after the third time, Phil found out and made a big ordeal about it" I roll my eyes at the thought of his behavior.

"Wow....why again did he give you the ultimatum?" Jack asked

Everyone was silent, I guess their not 100% sure everything either...

I sigh,
"He gave me the ultimatum because he wanted to get back together, and didnt like how close I was with the guys in this group, so by giving me the ultimatum and controlling my exposure to you guys, he thought it would help him grow on me" I explain

"He thought he'd grow on you? That's rich" Jack laughs

We all join on but its cut short abruptly when Jhon spoke...

"Haha you think that's rich, the guys abused her and than told her he did it because he loved her!"

I take a sharp breath in and tense at the memories of that night....

"What..?.." jack whispered to Himself

"He, he said what?" Jill and May squealed shocked overpowering Jack's comment

I sighed again,
"The night Jhon found out about all this, Phil had told me he loved me" I say with a shrug

"And you didn't tell us this!?" Jill asked amazed

"It wasn't the best night okay....prior to that confession and after he had hit me afew times, not really times I'd like to recall" i say with a small laugh trying to lighten the mood but also hint to change the subject.

Jack had gone into his own little world during the conversation, not really part taking.

"How long till the brusises go away? Or did they say?" Jhon asked

"About another week or so....their in the yellowing stage now so its shouldn't be long....but they said maybe a month for the ribs," I tell him,

He nods his head,

"Okay, I'm sorry...I know you dont want to talk about Phil and that night and all, but.... what did you say to him after he told you he loved you!?" Jill asked trying not to sound as giddy as she was

"Fine, but after this different topic.
I'm pretty sure the conversation went something like...

I asked why he was having me watched and how he knew I was lying about going to see Jack in hospital,

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