CHAPTER:25-A Phone Call An A Visit To Him...

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Sarahs prov.

Once we reached home, it was the evening close to 8:30- 9:00, I took my shoes and jacket off carefully of my arm, and went strait to my room to go to sleep because of how tired I am. My parents walk in to tuck me in and say goodnight, my dad leaves and my mom sits on my bed side, "honey, are you okay?" She asks me "ya why?" I ask knowing the answer "because of everything that has happened," she say, I sigh an sit up to face her "I don't know, me an jack realised, that we like each other as more then just friends, but I can't be with him anymore, I don't know if I'm even aloud to be friends and hangout with him" I admit with tears in my eyes "oh honey, thats great, wait, but why can't you guys be happy together, or even friends?" She asked concerned "because of Phil..." I say "Phil... Your old boyfriend, what dose he have to do with it?" She asked curious "what doesn't he have to do with it!, he's the whole reason why we where gone so long, he's the reason that I can't be with Jack in anyway, he's the reason for my arm, for Jill being kidnapped, for me almost being kidnapped, for Jack being in the hospital bed badly injured and his uncle, don't even get me started on what his uncle did, and now I have to date him!" I said an then started to cry. My mom looked so shocked by my sudden breakdown an outburst an I even saw her eyes start to water but then she asked me "okay, it'll be ok honey, but if he did all of this and you like Jack, then why are you dating him?" She asked concern and worry written all over her face, "because he threatened you guys, an my friends and their family's that he would hurt all of them and you guys if I didn't go out with him, I had no choice" I said still crying, she gasped at this then said "okay honey, well everything will be alright don't worry just try an get some sleep okay, and we'll talk more tomorrow" she smiled as I nodded an wiped my tears away then I lied back down as she left the room with a "goodnight sweetie, love you" and closed my door an shut the lights off, I lye there thinking about what all has happened over the past few days, which and I know, it will forever haunt me.
The next morning, I woke up to my phone buzzing, I look at the caller ID and it just shows a number I don't recognise, I hit the answer button and say "hello" "hey babe, wanna hang" a male voice says "who's this?" I ask with a tad of attitude, the man laughed and said "it's Phil baby, wanna come over and hang" he asked "the firg Phil!, it's like 7 in the morning why are you even up right now!?" I ask yell annoyed that he woke me up this early "hey! Don't you dare give me attitude!, get you a$$ over here now!" He shouted at me throughout the phone, "o-ok-kay" i said And he said "good now hurry up" and then hung up. I got out of bed covered in sweat from a terrible nightmare of what has happened the past few days, what may happen during the new plan.... I went to the bathroom did all that stuff, took a shower, got dressed in a pair of dark high-waisted skinny blue jeans with and a whit little crop top with a black camisole sweeter, brushed my hair an curled it, then went down stairs wrote my parents a note saying
Dear parents,
morning guys, I just went out to see a friend,I should be back by dinner, love you both lots, and sorry for everything I put you guys through, love Sarah :) <3.
I then put my cute black ankle high boots, a windbreaker jacket and left the house, making my way to Phil's. It was a good 20-30 minute walk to his place, he texted me the address to his place, and it was huge! It was about 3 stories high brown house with bergindie red shutters, and nicely done white trimming, Large an medium sized glass windows. I walk up the drive way to the red wooden door and knocked twice, I wait a minute before someone's comes to the door, it's John! "Hello, who are you" he asked looking at me from head to toe to head, "ummm, I'm sar-" I start but get interrupted by Phil saying "AHHH finally your here, come on in babe" I look at Jhon and he just did a simple nod to me and i passed by and followed phill through the huge house, as he gave me a tour, the way that Jhon looked at me, was creepy, almost like a pervert I've kind of way note not self, keep distance from him.
We finally made it to the top floor which had only but two doors he said that "the one on the right is my closet and the one on the left... Is my room" he said as he opened the door to it, and walked in with me following, I walked ahead a few steps looking around the huge room "what do you think of the house?" He asked, I turned around an noticed he shut the door, I was alittle scared to be honest, but I wouldn't let that show, "it's really nice, was that your uncle who opened the door?" I asked he did a little chuckle then said "ha, yea, good old papa John" we both laughed at that one. He took my hand and led me to a couch that was in his room, an sat down, I sat down beside him, but he then grabbed my waist really tightly, an pulled me to him so I was sitting on his lap. I looked at him as he looked at me and said "why did we have to break up in the first place Sarah," I sighed but said "I don't know, I was moving and you moved away, and I guess the long distance relationship wasn't our thing" now he sighed "well, at least we're together now" he said with a smile an pulled me closer to him "ummm, Phil..." I said "yea babe" he asked "umm, I was wondering if maybe we could take it slow?" I asked I felt his grip tighten around my waist his breathing hitched, I felt him grow hotter but then sighed "how slow" he said asked "I don't know, I just don't wanna rush into anything" I say his breathing has calmed abit but his grip has gotten tighter, that's gonna leave a mark, "sure." Was all he said, he pulled me closer to his chest as I looked at him, and he did something that I wasn't expecting, he KISSED ME!, he pressed his lips to mine gently, but then started to press harder wanting to deepen the kiss, his tongue asked or entrance, which a strongly denied, which made him mad, so he squeezed my butt making me yelp an took that as his chance, he started leaning into the couch so we would be lying down, but as he did I managed to push him off of me, "WHAT THE FRIG PHIL, I JUST TOLD YOU I WANTED TO TAKE IT SLOW!" I yelled, he already looked furious, and that made him even more so, and after I said and did that he slapped me hard across the face, leaving a red hand mark on my left cheek as I fell to the floor holding it, I looked up at him In Shock, I didn't see any hint of regret in his eyes only anger, he got off the coach and walked over to me, he looked down at me and kicked me in the gut three times, and by now I was crying, "don't you ever do that again." He said clearly angry at me, he grabbed my arm tightly picked me up and through me on the couch, I landed with a ompf as I hit the cushions, I looked over to Phil an saw he had an evil smirk, "Phil, please, your better then this" I said "oh Sarah, you should really try to judge people better" he said as he approached me slowly, he was about to get on the coach to but I kicked him where the sun don't shine and ran to the other side of the room, "you'll pay for that" he said an ran towards me, before I could move he had me pinned to the wall, glaring at me, he room his arm back made a fist an drove it into my gut multiple times,then slapped me, then through me to the ground, kicked me in the gut a few times, the went to the door unlocked, opened it up and said "get out, you have 5 minuets hurry, an see you later" he said with a glare then I got up and ran out scared of what he would do, this is not going to be good I thought as I ran out of the house and back home. I opened the door to be greeted by my parents my. dad looks mad and mom looks sad, "hi guys" I say as I take off my jacket and shoes, "where were you young lady, your grounded remember" dad said/yelled at me "sorry guys, I know I'm grounded but I had to" I say and look at mom, tears in my eyes "oh honey, it's okay, just go to you room and try to get some more sleep okay" she said with a sad smile I gave her the same smile in return and nodded saying "love you guys" and went upstairs. I went into my bathroom to look at the damage he did, I took off my top pulled my jeans down to my hip bones and saw big purple and black Bruises every where, I moved my hair out of my face and seen my cheek had a blue sore handprint on it where Phil slapped me, along with an almost black eye. Help me now, I think and change into some baggy clothes and get into bed and fall asleep.

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