CHAPTER:16-Searching For Safety

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Jack and Will where now walking around trying to find the rest of the group, "where'd they go?" Will asked "i don't know, I mean, like there's not a lot of places to hide... Is there" jack asked back. "Not that I know of" Will replied "lets just keep looking" Jack said with a sigh. Jack and Will kept walking for a few more minuets then they finally heard a noise. "Guys I think we should go check on them" Sarah whispered, "no they told us to stay here" May  said "but what if their in trouble" Sarah replied, "look Sarah, if we go out there we to will be in trouble, we can't go out there" she told Sarah "do you understand?" she asked "yes, I understand...." Sarah replied sadly. Jack and Will followed the voices and found them hiding in a spacing in the garden covered by the shrubs. "Finally we found you" Jack said "nice hiding place" "thanks we try" Sarah laughed as they all stood up and dusted off the dirt from thier pants an walked out "although, i don't think you'd be the best at hide an seek" Jack said again making everyone luagh "common guys lets go" Will said "ya sure were coming" they all replied.

So off they went walking as far away from there as possible. The group walked for awhile until they reached Burch Rd. Avenue, It was a road they recognised from when they where younger. They used to play in the park down the road from Sarah's house, they moved when they reached there teen years and got split up, until they reached high school and they became close again, "oh my god... do you guys remember this place? all the games, conversations, memories, ahhhh good times right" May said fantasising at theirs child hood memories "for the most part at least" Will replied with a down tone an a slight side smile "what do you mean by that?" Jill asked "well... back when James was still around, you now,  before he moved back to Germany, him, Jack, an I where hanging out there once and... Well it was a, different experience that's for sure, we where by an old oak tree and John decided to climb it and got stuck we could get him down and none of us wanted our parents to find out so we called up... An old friend to help and he brought a group of guys with him and there was a fight, it was bad enough that it made the news and our parents found out and they were freaking out and those guys are locked up right now I think" Will explained, "locked up for what, a fight?" May asked "well knifes where pulled and deep cuts happened and stitches an a few broken bones an almost a death, we don't typically talk about it though" Will told us "oh, well tha-" May got interrupted by Sarah saying "quick in here I found a place to hide out for the night" they all looked at her and followed her into a little shack. Sarah always went to when she was younger to get some alone time, she remembers she had kept everything in here, granola bars, Lateran, band-aids, a little blanket, and a deck of cards. She always thought when she was in there that it was only her, her friends, and her family in the world, and that nothing could ever harm them...she wish it could've stayed that way forever.

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