CHAPTER:4- Thats Your Choices

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Sarah explaning

"IN HERE GUYS!" Jack shouted as soon as he saw me, but then he seen me with a guy, Jack can be very protective of his friends so as soon as I seen him, I knew what he was thinking, a sense of worry passed through me and was most likely shown across my face as I seen Jack walking towards us, in my head I just kept thinking (Ohhh nooo).
Jack was a few feet away when he stopped he had a look of abit of angry and protectiveness, I stood up and stepped in front of Phill, to block him from getting hurt.

"Jack I'm fine I promise, he's an old friend, his names Phill, he won't hurt me" I told him,

Jack looked at him then me, he reached out and grabbed my hand, "are you sure you can trust him though?" He asked

"yes I'm positive, there's no reason to worry" I said

"ok, but, can I talk to you over here for a minute please?" He asked as he did a slight tug on my arm, I went to follow, then Phill stood up and grabbed my other hand and slightly tugged me back then looked Jack and Jack looked at him, I could tell that this would end up bad.

"Where are you going so abruptly?" Phil asked.....I'm not feeling as confident he started down as the me and his eyes flickered between me and Jack a few times.
Phill pulled at my arm harder an it made me slip out of Jacks grasp, and he spun me behind him.

I wasn't to shocked to see that Phill would do that, but I never seen Jack this protective, he actually turned, looked at Phill, with an almost death glare an planted his feet firm to the floor with his fists clutched by his sides and glared at Phill like a wild animal, as did Phill to him.

"what, do you think you can take me on, you think you can beat me?" He said to Jack, as he seen Jacks glare glance over to me slightly than back to Phil and of course Phill had noticed that Jack was doing this for me and that made Phill mad.

"Ohhh, I see your not gonna fight me just cause but your gonna fight me for the girl. Am I correct?" He asked snarky like.
I looked at Phill then to Jack in surprise "Jack, is -is that true?" I asked him an all he did was tilt his head down then faced back at Phill with a glare.
People from all around made a circle for the fight to go on, including Phil's friends, I recognised some of them, there was Jim, Kevin, Jordan, Issac, another guy, and DALE!... I DIDN'T KNOW HE KNEW PHIL!... He didn't say anything though, all they did was smirk.
Inside the circle, there was Phill, Jack and then me on the inside side behind Phil.
My four friends found the room and butted to the front of the outside circle.

"NO JACK DON'T, HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" They all yelled trying to stop this,
he looked at them then loosened his grip a bit, he then looked at me and he loosened up,

"your right Phil, I do like Sarah, but I won't fight for her, I say just let her chose for herself who she wants to be with, what do ya say" Jack suggested as he reached out his hand to shake on it,
instead Phill swatted it away and said "okay, let her chose, between her friend Jack, and her old boyfriend Phill" Jacks eyes opened wide in surprise as did my other friends because they never heard about him, or thought that I would date someone like him ever, I mean, Jill and May knew I dated a guy who wasn't the nicest too me to put it in the best words.
Me and Phil started Dating back when I was 13, he's one year older then me so he was 14, we met when I moved the first time, to Sand Brooke Dr. we dated till I was 16, then we broke up and were going to remain friends but he left. It was probably for the best....I mean part way through the first year he started to change....he slowly started to get meaner and meaner to me till the worse of abusing me....meantaly and physicaly (by hitting kicking telling me crule things)....I never knew what type of stuff he did as a job, he always said, the less I know the better so I dropped it, an gave up trying. I guess the abuse may've been caused by his line of work.
Honestly I don't know much about him anymore either.
As Jack was in his shocked state, Phil spun me in front of him, while holding my arm tightly it felt as if it was cutting off circulation.

"So Sarah, who's it gonna be? Your pathetic friend Jack here, or me, who you already have a history with" he asked as a grin came across his face.

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