CHAPTER:6- Cooling

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Sarah explaining

Jack was red and breathing hard,

"Jack what were you thinking! you could have killed the guy" Jill said to him,

Jack just stood there staring down at Phill with fury.

"Common guys we have to get him out of here" Will told us, we all then took Jack out to the patio in the cool air, May had gone back to check on Phill with John so we where still using the  buddy system, while Will, Jill an I stayed with Jack to help. We all knew that if I went back to check on Phill it would get even worse so May an John went for me.

"Jack, Jack, look at us, it's all okay now, there's nothing to worry about anymore"
Jill told him trying to help, but he was still fuming red with heat

" where's Sarah?" He asked suddenly

"I'm right here Jack" I said laying a hand on his shoulder.

He turned his head slowly, and stared at me for a few seconds then asked me,

"what happened? What did I do?" I looked at Will an Jill then back at Jack,
"umm, well I ran into my ex and you sort of went off at him throwing fists, elbows, knees, and if we didn't stop you then..." I paused

"then you almost killed him"
"No, I would never do that, not for no reason" he tempered,
"well... It was because he, he slapped me then through me to the ground as you charged at him" I told him.
Jack looked down at the patio flooring and put his hands on a chair, we could hear him breathing hard-deep breaths, he turned his head to me then to Jill an Will then back to the floor, we could see that he was starting to cool down
"let us know when you are ready to go back in safely" Will told him quietly.

A while passed of us all just standing there in silence,
"I'm ready" Jack said finally.
Will and Jill both nodded their heads, me on the other hand asked him "are you sure?"
"yea...actually can i talk to Sarah for a minuet please guys?" Jack asked Jill and Will,
"yea for sure" Jill said
"no prob dude" Will told him and they walked inside but stayed right by the door, with linked arms so they wouldn't get lost in the sea of people.

"everything okay Jack?" i asked him

"how could i almost kill someone?" he asked more himself but towards me to answer,
"i-i don't know, sometimes people get to a certain point then they snap..." i tell him, he sat down in the chair an looks at me,

"so your saying that's what happened?" he asked

"i'm not sure, you were definitely going through a lot of emotions at once" i say

"why?" he asked again

"well,  you got really upset when you seen me with Phill, then he was gonna make me chose between him and you, but i guess i took to long so he said me an him were together, you got really sad and started walking away, i couldn't let that happen, so i called your name, told Phill no i didn't say that, honestly, i wasn't even gonna choose him" i saw a confused, surprised, and hopeful look come across Jacks face when i said that, but i continued on.

"but the he yelled at me an slapped me then threw me to the ground a you just lost it" i explained, an when i looked up at you guys I saw his jaw was clenched and his hands were in a fist form.

"its okay now though, i'm fine, Jill, Will, and May are fine, so theres nothing to worry about now" i tell him with a smile, to try and calm him down.
He took a few deep breaths again, then asked me "were are they?" "who?" i asked
"ahh, i don't know maybe our friends?" he says in a playful sarcastic tone. we laughed a bit at that
"their inside" i tell him
"okay, lets go find em all an get out of the place before anything else happens" he suggested
"sounds like a good plan to me, lets go" i say and then we walk back into the house to find our friends.

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