Chapter 47: We're Coming

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Derek's prov.

I hear shuffling through the phone in Sarah's end

"Sarah? Sarah!?"

"Shh....track this call, come as soon as you can, I dont see this ending good"
An unknown voice says

But i do as the women instructed and tracked the call to the exact spot in the house they where being held.

"Alright team, John Miguel house, basement, we have 2 hostages to get out safely as fast as possible. John is there and his grandson Phil should be there soon too"

"Sir. Once in, on what grounds do we have to sustain the grandson phil?" One of the deputies asks

"His grandfather has held captive the babysitter from the Kidnapping case from a few years back to this day, and his grandson Phil because he attempts, and commits domestic violence to his partners past and present and for threatening the lives of about 6 teenagers and their families as well as he is rumored to be in the hang that has bested every bust we've made moves on" I announce

"Now lets gear up and go!"

We head out and get in our designated cars and speed off to the house.

"Derek....I dont want to come off wrong here but, you seem overly invested in this case...i just- do you have a personal connection to it?"
My partner Aaron asks

I grip the wheel tighter

"What are you getting Aaron?" I ask

"Should you be on this case still? I'm your partner and I barely knew anything about it...honestly I thought you had closed it years ago when Martha was found and put in protective care?" He says

"Look, yes okay? I do have a personal connection to the case.... but I never closed it and I'm staying on it. This girl Sarah, she's been through too much to just leave her now... this will hopefully be the end of it." I say

" jeez man... all right but when we get there, try not to seem to involved...just don't make it obvious." He hes

I nod.

After a few minutes we make it outside the house and have it surrounded.

I knock on the door, "RSP! Open Up!" I call

No answer

I give a curt nod, and one of the ten members busts the door open and we file in.

As we head into the living room following the directions Sarah gave me I see the white door and go to type in the combination when the door swings open.

"Well, hello Phil" I smile

"What the!-" he goes to shout and start teaching behind his back but I grab his other arm and slam him against the door, cuffing him.

"Aaron, take over Phil" I request

"Copy that" he says and we toss eachother the keys and his cuffs

"Shane, Colby Sandra follow me and be prepared for anything" I say

Those three members of the team follow close behind me to the basement as Aaron reads the Miranda Rights to Phil before taking him to the car.

We reach the basement and see a wall is completely open, as if it's a door and yelling coming from inside.

I motion to continue in.

We move quietly and enter the room to see a women with red hair in her early 20s looking unhealthy and dirty and John standing over another body, a burnett, beating her....


"Freeze!" I yell

John whips around and sees me as my team swarms him and cuffs him while read out his Miranda Rights.

"Took you long enough, ya old man" he snickers as they walk past me.

Aaron coms down to help me with the 2 hostages.

"What about Phil? You didn't leave him did you?" I ask worried hell escape

"Dont worry Derek, Jessica and Darren are watching him and you have like 3 or 4 people on John as well, were good." He smiles

I sigh,
"Okay, good....common, I'll take the burnett you take the red head, bring them to the station where well hopefully get some answers..." I direct

"Copy that man" he says and goes to the red head.

I walk over the the limp body on the floor, I kneel down and turn her slightly so I can see her face.

I I feared, it was indeed Sarah, she was very freshly bruised, make up smeared showing off older bruises as well and was bleeding from her chin and some trickling down her forehead.

I pick her up bridle style and carry her outside, and handing her off to one of the ambulances that came.

I walk over to Aaron as Sarah's ambulance is getting ready to take off.

"You ride with Patricia, make sure she stays safe, and I'll go with ssrah, they need to be medically checked out first" I sigh

"It'll be okay man, comm'on, let's go." He says

I nod and we head into the ambulances.

On the way there I call Wendy.

W: hello?

D: hi...wendy?

W: yes? May i ask whis speaking?

D: damn...I'm so sorry, this is Derek from the RSP calling, your daughter Sarah Amberly is being taken to hospital as we speak, I can explain everything to you when we get there

W: my what!? No...she was with her Boyfriend...what could be happened?

D: please, i dont know the details, when we found them she was unconscious, we have reason to believe she was tricked into thinking she was going to see her boyfriend...please it's easier to explain in person.

W: my gosh....okay, we'll be there as soon as we can

D: thank you, see you there.

I hang up and focus on Sarah, I hope she hasn't taken too much...

We get to the hospital and the girls get taken in to rooms to be examined privately.
I meet Aaron in the waiting room.

"Hey, want to go make sure those bsstards get booked securely please? I cant have a chance at them escaping again, I'll deal with the parents and the girls statements"  I ask

"For sure man, good luck" he says and leaves for the station.

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