Chapter 52: News

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Sarah's prov.

After I testified my parents took me straight home and sent me too bed, but I couldn't sleep.

I wasn't tired, I was anxious and worried...what if the charges weren't enough? What if all we did was for nothing and Phil will be back by tomorrow on the hunt to kill!?

I texted Jhon earlier thanking him for testifying against Phil and his grandfather.
As far as I knew it was only me testifying so I really appreciated it, but I do hope he makes it back to the safe house undetected and safe with the others.

I hear my phone vibrate on my bedside table so I grab it quickly as it could be Derek with news.

I look at the Caller ID and see his name, Jack.

Confused and slightly worried I pick up the phone.

J: Hello? Sarah?

S: Jack, umm's it going?

J: alright on our end I guess...but I'm worried...

S: worried? Why? What happened!?

J: hey, hey hey.....calm down everythings okay, nothing happened to us....I'm worried about you Sarah....

S: Oh...I auuhh I see....umm why is that? I'm perfectly fine

J: Sarah, we seen brief video clips and photos of the court case online.....Sarah- what did they do to you?
His voice cracked abit at the end of the question.

S: I'm not entirely sure to be honest, I did something I wasn't supposed to and then proceeded to talk back so they decided to teach me my place there....

J: by abusing and beating you?

S: they got their point'd think after a few months of getting to know how Phil works that I should've known he had to of gotten it from somewhere....

J: dont go blaming yourself for their actions, it's never right to beat up on someone, especially if they dont see it coming or are defenseless....

S: I dont blame myself for their actions, but if I didn't open my mouth he probably wouldn't have hit me as much...I'll be okay though, with mine and Jhon's statements I'll be surprised if it dosent stick

J: I'm glad he was able to help, and thank you for setting up the safe house for us....I umm, wanted to let you know that Jhon had told us what's really been going on and why you put up with it....we truely appreciate your sacrifices but please, let us try to help out somehow if another incident comes up like that...

S: I promise I'll let you all know and help out if theres a next time, but hopefully there wont be....I'm sorry you couldn't hear the truth from me though

J: dont sweat it, we know now and that's what counts.

S: I have to go, I think Derek's beeping through....I'll call you soon though, l- bye for now

J: okay definitely take it, bye for now Sarah...

Even though it sounded like he wanted to say something else I had to hang up.

I cant belive I almost told him I loved him! I can't let him could ruin everything if he doesn't feel the same way still.

I press answer on the incoming call and put it too my ear.

S: hello?

D: hello Sarah, how are you feeling?

S: been better, been worse, cant complain to much I guess haha, how about you?

D: good to hear he chucked, I was calling to let you know that the Judge ruled Guilty for the both of them and didn't take the deal!

S: oh my gosh! Thats so amazing! What was their sentencing period?

D: well, the judge said
since the plead was to be guilty I think the jury will agree with me that even if they were to get out, they would continue to seek revenge. So in conclusion, John Miguel will get life to prison and Phil Miguel will get 20 with probable probation once his sentencing is almost complete .
In the report she had put that even after Phil gets out, and off probation if he gets it, he will be monitored and have to keep a distance from everyone involved or he'll go straight back to jail.

S: that's amazing! Thank you so much Derek! Dose that mean that everyone can come home then!?

D: yes, they can all come home, everyone...I'll talk soon dear.

S: talk soon Derek, I'll let them know now!

With that we hang up and I message in the group chat for the first time since we've gotten back.

Hi everyone, I wanted to tell you this all at once but my throats still sore from the brusises....
But Phil and his Grandfather are booked and in jail and have restraining orders to keep away from everyone involved in the whole situation! :D
You guys can all come back home whenever you'd like, we are finally free of them! XD

I hit send and see instant messages of celebration come through the chat.

That's a amazing Sarah! We'll be home soon!

With that, I fall asleep fast and restfuly in my comfy bed without a worry.

...... 3 hours later .......

I wake up to my mom opening the door,

"Hi sweetie, you have company" she says

"Company? Who's visiting?" I ask

"Come down and see" she smiles.

"Okay, I'll be right down" i smile back

Well, if it's a family member they dont know about the abuse so I should ease them into it and cover up at least some of the brusises, as much as I can.

I head over to my vanity and get out all my makeup....I lay them out an nod, see I only have enough to do half my face....
What am i going to do now!?

My mom peeps back in my room to check if I needed help.

"Honey? What are you doing?" She asked

"I dont have enough make up to cover the bruises....I wanted to ease people into seeing this... " I say sadly

"Dont be ashamed sweetie, you did a heroic thing for your friends and family, be proud of your battle wounds and scars" she says supportively

I smile,
"Okay, I will, let me just through a dress on real quick, than can you help me down the stairs?" I ask

"Of course sweetie, I'll just be right outside" she says before leaving.

I head to my closet and throw on a loose summer dress as I can't wear anything fitted due to the brace for my ribs.

Once satisfied enough, I limp out the door and greet my mom, she takes me by the arms and helps me down the stairs to meet our company.

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