CHAPTER:27-A Date, A Talk, Some Info

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Sarah's prov.

After we left my house we got in his car an drive down the road for a bit in silence. We pulled into an old abandon parking lot an he stopped the car "why the hell did you let you parents see that bruise, you know they might suspect something now!" He yelled griping the wheel so tight his nuckles went from peach to pink to red to white, "I'm sorry, I told them I just hit my head when I was sleeping cause of a bad nightmare and they believed me, but I won't show anymore, I promise" I said, and he then reached over grabbed my face by putting his hand from under my chin thumb on one cheek the rest of the fingers on the other, and held it very tight, "dam well you will, or I swear, worse will come, got it" he said roughly, an I did my best to nod "good" he let go of my face and started driving off again, "so where are we going?" I decide to ask "to a park" he says, a park? What park? I give him a confused look but he just laughs, an keeps driving. "So, what all have you been up to sense I had to leave?" He asked me "well, not a lot really, there's school an hanging out with friends, visiting family members" I reply, "ahhhh, and how's school?" He asks "okay I geuss, I have a feeling that this years gonna be the most stressful one though, I don't know why probably classes, what all have you been up to?" I ask "well you'll do good, me... Oh you know same old stuff," he says laughing abit "oh yeah, the same old same old, Soccer, School, Friends, our little trouble maker" I tease. An we both laugh " you know you liked the bad boy in me" he says still laughing "oh indeed a did" I say, an to be honest that's one of the reasons why I liked him, I just didn't know how bad his bad side is until now "I'm glad we met back up at that party, I mean like I'd say it was meant to happen" he says an I mentally roll my eyes "yeah" I smile "I didn't know you knew Dale though" I say " Dale? Oh yea, we met not to long after I had to leave, he helped me get out of some of the trouble I was in and we become pretty close now, he's a good guy, how do you know him?" He ask me" he goes to my school, he actually bullied me an my friends," I say calmly but Phil's reaction was not, I saw his knuckles go white again from clenching onto the steering wheel an he jaw stiffen "he.did.what?" He gritted out "he bullied me and my friends for the longest time, nothing to bad though, May got it worse, an he never did it when Jack was around...hmmm I wounded why" I say the last part more to myself then to him "it's because Jack, is in a Rival Gang, which is why I didn't want you with him, he was just going to use you, people in his gang never care about anyone" he says and I gasp "wait... Jack , our friend Jack is in a gang?" I ask shocked, " not just in it, he's to be the next leader of it" Phil says an I slump back in my seat thinking about if it could be true, I mean like, it very well could be true, it would explain his anger, but I can't trust anything that Phil tells me, no matter what it is. I look up an out of the window as I feel the car come to a stop and I see a park. I get out an Phil walks over to me, he grabs my hand and we start walking off through the trails. "So, what's this park called?" I ask "The Jasper National Park" he says and I nod with I smile. I've always wanted to go here honestly, we walk up the rocky trails and pass a few waterfalls on the way which are all so beautiful,we reach one and it's the biggest one here, where there's a gap between the two sides so that the water can flow an drop some more. I look out and the view is breath-taking. I stare out at it until someone's clears their throat an I whip my head back to the man startled with a hand on my chest, "don't get to close to the edge there Tootsie" he tells me using the old nickname he gave me because my favourite candy is tootsie rolls, and he caught me with a pile of them just devouring them, an I don't really remember his. I look at him an see his smirk "how- I thought you would've forgot about that" I whine an he laughs a little, "oh Tootsie, I'll never forget about that" I sigh, it's sweet an cute, but no! I can't get sucked into this relationship, I have to focus on the plan, and what's at stake. "So, how's your uncle?" I ask an I feel his muscles flex while he still hugs me "he's okay, why?" He ask "that's good, an just wondering, what all has he been up to?" I ask again trying to get details on him "oh just work" Phil said sighing "what's wrong with his work?" I ask an he pulls me back an is holding my muscle part of the arms "nothing's wrong with his work, I just don't like what he dose" he says calmly as we continue to make eye contact "why? What dose he do?" I ask him "he-(*sighs*) I don't even know! he dose most of his work in the basement, I think he dose some type of experimenting stuff! an that's where he keeps all of his stuff" he tells me, and THATS IT! I have to tell Derek! "How long dose he stay down there for?" I ask trying to get time spans "I don't know, he comes up for food an that's it, breakfast, snack lunch snack supper sleeps every day" he says, "an he gets upset and mad when I come home without notice an all beat up, but he doesn't ask how or say be more careful or any of that crap" he says getting angrier and his grip tightened so much that I swear I could feel a bruise forming an it wouldn't surprise me if something worse happened to though, I saw his face harden "why are you so interested in this suddenly? Hmm!?" He yells gripping me tighter "i-I'm just tr-trying to-to ma-" he cuts me off by yelling "trying to what!? Get me to spill some form of information about him and my life to you so you can go run off an tell you little buddies! Well NO!" He slapped me so hard across the face the I fell, but not fully bc he still had a tight grip on my other arm, he hulled me back up to my feet an an glared at me, "no, I-I was just trying to make conversation" I tell him "that's right Sarah, nothing else, common we're leaving now" he says sternly an stomps off practically dragging me along behind him. "Phil" I say as we are about to descend another hill which I do not feel like being actually dragged down again, "what" he snaps clearly still mad "I can walk on my own through the trails... If it's easier" I say and he stops and turns to me "you can, can you?" He says/asks and I nod "well then, be my guest" he says gesturing for me to walk as he starts to himself. I take a few steps but my legs starts to wobble an give out, probably hurt from the roots an rocks, I hear a snicker an look in front of me once I get up, only to be faced by a smirking Phil, "you sure you can walk?" He says an I lower my head "exactly" he says and grabs my wrist tightly dragging me once again, until we reach a spot with people and he picks me up bridle style, I groan a little from the pain an people stare at us "it's okay baby, I know your tired" he says as a cover story for the people giving us looks. Once we reach the car he opens the door an plops me on the seat, he then goes around to his side an gets in. He drives away and I start to fall asleep until I realize I'm still with Phil an the car came to a stop, I look out the window an see we are in the same abandon parking lot, I turn to him an see he's staring at me "what?" I ask "even covered in dirt your pretty" he says an I just stare at him, I swear something's off about him "I'm sorry about at the park, I really was just asking trying to make conversation" I apologize again "I know, im sorry to, my tempers been all over the place lately" he says "it's okay" I say an he gives me a slight smile "say, wanna come have dinner one day at my place?" He asks "ummm sure" I smile back "great" he says then starts to drive off back to my place, it's now 6:29 and Phil just drove away an I enter the house.
I go in an smell that suppers been brought out to the table "hey guys" I smile and they gasp oh great I forgot bout the dirt stuff... "Sarah! What happened?" My mom asks "me and Phil went hiking through a trial, an started throwing dirt an mud at each other, I'll go clean up an be back down" I explain, they nodded and I ran up stairs and got all cleaned up then went down an ate supper. After supper I went up to my room an got ready for bed. When I took my clothes off to put my Pj's on I saw that my legs were all scratched an bruised, my arms have a bruise on each side in a shape of hands, an another bruise on my face, I sigh and put my Pj's on and head to bed.

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