Chapter: 39- Aunt Saundra

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Sarah's Prov.

I reached East Dover and while still being followed by the same car.
Like who the hell is this person!?they even hit the back of my car once or twice!
I eventually turned down into my Aunts house Saundra's house to ask her for a favor.
I haven't seen her probably since I was an infant, I found out about her by going through old family photos and reading the back of the picture's were it named the people in it, from there I let the internet do the job.
I feel bad coming up out of the blue and than to ask her for a favor...especialy one that could be so dangerous....I hope she'll understand, and maybe even be able to help shed some more light on what happened with Martha.
I pull onto her drive way and she cone rushing out. When I step out of the car she stops in her tracks.

Wonder why....

" that really you dear..?" She asked in disbelief,
I smiled "Hi Aunt Saundra"

She comes running over and gives me a big hug. She steps back and starts going on about how much I've grown and all that Aunt like talk.
We talked about all that's been going on in our lives as we walk towards the house (not ALL, but close to).

Once we get inside she goes to the kitchen and to make us some nice hot tea.
When she comes back out to the living room, I know it's time to to get to business.

Aunt Saundra: "So, as much as I love finally getting spending time with you and getting to know you better, why the sudden visit?"

Sarah: "well....I know you know about Martha, but do you know why? Like why her? why our family?"

I noticed my Aunt stiffen as the mention of Martha's name and I feared she wouldn't answer me at first.

Aunt Saundra: "Sarah my child, what happened to your sister I will never understand...through out the years I've looked back and tried to make sense of it all but I keep coming up short....." and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

Sarah: "So... you don't know anything at all?"

Aunt Saundra: "I'm sorry dear, but I haven't heard much from your parents since she was taken, till when you went missing... how did you even find out about me?"

Sarah: "That's fair...i guess they were very closed off after the incident...and I have my ways."

Aunt Saundra: " what exactly is it you need my help with?"

Sarah: "I know you are really good with technology... and I - I feel bad for asking this out of the blue...but I need you to hack into some security camera for me"

Aunt Saundra: " security cameras?? Why? Where?"

Sarah: " Aunt Saundra, I can't explain why...its for my family...its about...her..."

Aunt Saundra, gasped "okay, very well, anything for her, for you, for family"

Sarah: "thank you so much, here's my number, call me if you find out anything...but never mention any names, I have to go but I'll be in touch"

Saundra: "be safe my child! We'll talk soon!" She call out after me.

I walk down to my car and give Aunt Saundra one last wave before I get settled in my car and back away to head home.

The good thing about having a long drive home at the moment, is that I have a chance to think about what all I've found out and can sit back and anylize the situation from a different perspective.

Dear what will my parents say if they found out that I met a family member behind their backs......
Oh lord...whay will they say when they find out about the plan.....Will they be mad? Happy? Worried? Scared? Furious? Grateful? All of the above?
I hope it will all work out fine in the end when we have Martha back with us.

Just when I think I'm in the clear, BAM! freaking Dave comes rounding the corner and but also keeping a 'non-strange' distance. I swear I can't wait till I can be finished with them all.
All I want, is for Martha to be back home, and for everything else to be able to go back to normal.....
why did we have to go to that stupid party in the first place? Why couldn't we all have just had another fantastic movie night!?
If we did that, it would've made everything so much easier!

I start to speed up so i can get home quicker....Man, when did Dale become so evil?

Not soon enough, after few more minutes I've made it into town, an heading towards Longing lake which is near my house. When Dale starts to slow down as we near the turn to my road.

I drive up and quickly parked in my drive way as Dale kept on driving by pretending to act as a normal semi-lost driver.

Aunt Sandra's prov.

I CAN'T believe I finally got to meet one of my Grand Daughters after so long!
Last time I saw her, she was just a baby, my sister and her husband wanted to keep her safe so they isolated her away from everyone, not sure who they could truly trust after what happened with Martha.
I don't blame them, but I wasn't even sent pictures or wasn't even updated on anything about her or any of their lives.
When she came to my house, I was shocked and ecstatic to see her.
She was all grown up now, she looked just like her mother, and she had her father's eyes and high cheek bones with freckels sprawled about like sprinkles! She was stunning to say the least.
I wish our visit was on better terms and reasoning than they were but I still tried to help her as much as I could.
It was hard since I wasn't kept updated their lives no matter how hard I tried.
I did the best I could and I hoped it was good enough.
After she left i sat back in my recliner and put on my Soaps, Days Of Our Lives.
Lani, JJ and Eli are in court over Lani's Pregnancy and who's Child it actually is.
The whole time watching the episode, I couldn't help but think...
Martha never got to see her sister grow up, never got to take her shopping, they never got to gossip to eachother, share those moments your supposed to share with a sister, she she barely got to know her own true parents, her true family, never knew how much they loved her, and still do to this day.
I hope it all works out for the best for them, they definitely deserve a nice peaceful break from drama and to receive happy good news.
I truly felt bad for their little family, and I hope that once everything is resolved, maybe they'll give the rest of the family a chance to get to know our grand kids and thier cousins.

Once evening started to roll around I started to get tired so I went off to bed, though like always I kept all phones on and by my bedside table and the news on.
I made sure I locked every lock possible in the house, I closed the curtains and turned off the lights than wandered off to my bed for my night time slumber.

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