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Sarah explaining

May and Jack ran together after me, ever sense I ran into Jack. They had been following me everywhere, but finally I lost them once I entered the room.

There I was standing across the dimly lit room from Jill, she was crying and I could just see some bruises starting to form, "Jill? Jill? OH MY GOD JILL!" I said excitedly not believing my eyes,i actually found her! I could see the relief in her eyes that she had been found, but as soon as I started to walk towards her- her eyes opened up wide and she rapidly started shaking her head side to side, I didn't understand why until I felt a great pain an all I everything went black.
some time passed by, and I woke up beside Jill, tied up with a gag blind fold preventing me from speaking, she looked at me with worry in her eyes, I then turned my head and seen a silhouette of a tall slim but built man standing in front of us just a few feet away. "I knew that if I tried I could find you again" the man said, his voice sound so familiar, yet I couldn't place it, "it took quite a bit of planing, but in the end I succeeded phase one, now too put phase 2 into motion" he said mysteriously, Jill an I just looked at him, then he took three steps closer into the light, and to my surprise it was a guy I knew from sometime ago, and recently encountered.
It was Phill.
"Maphadabacuphablah" I said trying to speak Jill and Phil looked at me confused, he then bend down and removed the blind fold from my mouth an stood back up "what do you mean phase 2? What are you planning Phill, we don't have time for you games." I said frustrated "oh but Sarah, don't you see, you don't have a choice but to listen and corporate" he said to us. Me an Jill looked at each other then back at him, "just cause I'm tied up an stuck here doesn't mean I have to help you" I told him, "true but if you want you friends to live, then you will help me, won't you" he said slimy. I looked at Jill again then back at him "friends" I said "were are the others?" I demanded, "feisty eh, they are almost here don't worry" he said. Now I was a little nervous "fine what do you want me to do" I said. Giving in, Jill and Phill's eyes both opened wide in shock that I had agreed so easily. Phil slowly turned around and faced the far wall "my boss an I had planned on just getting you-but we knew it wouldn't be that easy, so we decided on this course, and now what you must do to save theirs an your lives, is to leave this place with me and we will leave your friends be" he explained, I looked over at Jill "I'm so sorry for everything, I truly am, just find the others and go to the hang out place" I whispered to her, " I will go with you but first untie Jill and let them leave unharmed" I demanded-he turned an looked at me then Jill "very well" he said as he started to walk towards us. He crouched down and untied Jill, she got up "go find the others and leave quickly" I told her she simply nodded and ran out the doors. "Some friend eh leaving you here, all alone with a angry guy that you boyfriend nearly killed" he said with a slight laugh. I looked up at him "so are we just gonna sit here or can we leave-this place gives me the creeps" I said to him, he looked at me and Couched down in front of me, he grabbed my arms tightly then lifted me up to my feet that where still tied up. "Follow me" he said as he untied my feet just enough for me to walk with along side of him, and we left the small little room.

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