S.3 ch.8:coincidence

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"May your soul rest in peace",Yaya prayed before her friend's grave and placed a little dandelion she found in the forest. "I'll miss you Ying.."

She wiped away her tears and smiled as best as she could, knowing her best friend wouldn't want to see her cry.

Then she went to the other two graves and placed two dandelions. "Sorry for seperating the two of you."

Despite the graves belonging to someone who had took her best friend's life away, Yaya still felt guilty. She too have a younger brother, hidden from the outside world as her parents feared he'd get hurt due to his weak mana, even Boboiboy and his friends she did not tell. She too would be heartbroken and angry if her her brother died.

A gentle wind breeze grazed her blood smeared face, comforting yet cold. Yaya sighed and looked up to the gloomy sky. "I wonder how the others are doing. I hope they're okay."

"Huaaaa!!"Taufan screamed in fear as he dodged and dodged, hundreds of arrows flying at him. "Why me!???"

"Oh my god this idiot.."Solar, who has been sneaking around the group of soldiers and creating a magic circle, mumbled. Why was he trusted with Boboiboy's mansion security...

"Done." With a simple hand flick, a huge amount of soldier fell unconscious the ground.

"What the-"Taufan couldn't believe his eyes. Almost half of the amount of the soldiers were wiped out!

"Wake up! Why are you guys suddenly unconscious!??"A fellow soldier shouted, trying to wake his comrade up.

"That would be because of me",Solar said in a proud and mocking tone as he calmly entered the battlefield.

"Solar!?? You were also here??"Taufan exclaimed is disbelief.

"You should really improve your fighting skill",Solar adviced disapprovingly.

"I-"Taufan quiet down, knowing Solar wasn't really wrong. But come on! He was panicking with the sudden teleportation and attacks!

"Whatever, it will be easier if we attack together",Solar said. As much as he loved working on his own, it will be faster this way. And besides, it wouldn't hurt to try and work as a team once in a while..

While the two of them formed a team, Gempa was still left alone in the middle of nowhere and trying to stop the soldier from reaching the palace. He tried comfusing them and leading them to a different direction, but unlucky for him, the soldier caught up to his plan.

"My magic is slowly running out..!"Gempa thought as he summoned a gigantic earth hand and punched through the wave of soldiers.

"Got you!"A soldier who had sneaked his way behind him said and swung his sword.

His eyes widen in schock, body failing to react fast enough. He would get hit and he would die.

Blood splashed onto him as the enemy suddenly collapsed to the ground. "You're welcome!"Blaze grinned, hands covered in blood.

"Blaze!"Gempa exclaimed in relief. Thank god!

"Yup! And ice aswell!" As if on cue, a huge ice spike emerged from the ground, bohring its way through soldiers' bodies.

The dragon cringed at the bloody sight and refrained himself from throwing up. Brutal.

"Let's kick some butts!"Blaze turned into a big wolf and ran straight into the enemies.

"God, this idiot",Ice, who was hiding in a tree sighed in frustration. He never learns.

"Bl-"Just as Gempa was about to warn Blaze about the enemies aiming for hos exposed back, countless ice arrows flew and frozed them instantly.

"Ice!"Gempa sighed in relief once again. He can't choose if the soldiers or Blaze is worse for his heart.

"Go, I have your backs",Ice reassured and Gempa nodded in understanding.

With the three of them fighting together, it was much easier to defeat their enemies. Even when they're outnumbered.

"Haha! We won!"Blaze celebrated and was about to grab an arm to eat when he got smacked by his twin. "Ouch! What was that for!?"

"No eating corpse",Ice scolded. He got out from his hiding place since there weren't any enemies left.

The other latter simply sweatdropped at their carefree attidude. How can someone so childish be so brutal?

A simple glance on the bloodied ground and pile corpses is enough to prove their ruthlessness. And there were also no need to check if someone was alive as they were killed on sight.

"Mm.." Hearing Gempa's rather unhappy voice, Ice turned to look at him. "Is something wrong?"

"It's just.."Gempa frowned sadly. "This soldiers were technically innocent.."

"Innocent? They tried to kill us!"Blaze pointed out.

"I know.. but they didn't even have a choice. They were simply following orders",Gempa retorted.

"That is true, but would you rather they capture Boboiboy and kill him?"Ice asked calmly.

"God- no!"Gempa exclaimed in horror. "Of course not!"

"Exactly. We too have no reason but to fight them",Ice stated.

Knowing he was right, Gempa only sighed. "Yeah, you have a point.."

The merman simply nodded. "We better head back to the castle, who knows what's happening in there."

"You guys didn't check??"Gempa asked in surprise. He had thought that they had checked before coming to help him.

"We couldn't get inside",Blaze sighed. "I even tried breaking that old door and climbing up to the windows! Nothing worked."

"That's worrying.."Gempa mumbled.

"We thought you could smash it with your earth giant or something and it was also a great coincidence we saw your high earth pillar",Blaze said while pointing at the said pillar behind him.

"Haha, right.."Gempa sweatdropped. Luckily, if not he would've died!

"A great coincidence indeed",A familiar voice spoke.

At the sound of that voice, Gempa froze. "Master..."He said in horror.

"Huh? Master?? You know him??"Blaze asked in confusion.

"I thought Halilintar killed that dude back then",Ice said his thoughts out loud.

He shook his head. "That wasn't my master, that was just one of his underlings.."

"Indeed",The man confirmed with an evil smile. "Do you know how sad I was when I heard my precious dragon had left me?"

"Tch, you treated him like a slave! The hell are you sad!"Blaze yelled and growled.

"Oho, feisty",The man chuckled.

"You're not getting him back",Ice said coldly. "He's one of us now."

"Oh? Really now?"The man grinned. "Gempa, come here."

"You don't have to-"To say that both Blaze and Ice were schocked to see him actually doing it would be an understatement.

"Gem..?"Blaze called in horror.

"I'm sorry.."

Hope you enjoyed ^^

Idk why, but my writing skill is not working in this chap 😐
Maybe I lack motivation? Idk, but the other chap and nalu I wrote was better 🥲

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